Chapter Thirty-Six
- Noemi -
ISHOOK MY HEAD ASI sorted through the clothes in Dante’s closet. The shower had been glorious. I didn’t know you get one so large on a yacht. There was enough room for six people in there, yet Dante had turned tail and left me to shower alone.
I wasn’t shocked by his abrupt departure, but I was disappointed. Why? Because after the incredible sex we had, after he made my bodyhisin every way, I still had expectations. I hadn’t learned my lesson and I didn’t know if I ever would or if I particularly wanted to. I wasn’t as emotionally stunted as he was. I was human. I had thoughts, and needs, and desires and all those things led to ideas about how I wanted them satisfied. Yes, I freaking had expectations and I guess I’d have to get used to the disappointment of having those expectations unfulfilled.
I ran my hand over the fabric of the garments in the closet. Day dresses. Sundresses. Maxi dresses. Cocktail dresses and evening gowns. Every color, every fabric. There were literally dozens.
Freaking complicated man. How could the same man who callously walked out of the room thirty minutes ago be the same man who provided for me so extravagantly?
Sighing, I selected a caftan dress in a multitude of colors, thinking it would be cool and elegant to wear on the sundeck. I had already put my hair into a high-top ponytail to keep from having to comb the snarls out of it after I sat on the deck. Because that was exactly where I planned to spend the next few hours. Apparently, Dante was done with me. I intended to take advantage of his hospitality and camp out on the forward deck with a mocktail in one hand and book in the other after I selected one from the onboard library Dante had shown me during the tour.
I was struggling with the hook and eye at the top of the back of the dress when lights started flashing and a piercing alarm shattered my ears. Was there a fire or some other emergency? My heart pounded as I pulled open the door and ran into the corridor.
I called for Dante, not sure which room he was in, if he even was still in this part of the yacht. I opened the first door I came to and found an empty guest room.
“Dante!” I called out, covering my ears as the alarms continued to shriek.
I was about to open another door when I saw him running down the hall towards me. I ran to him. “What’s happening? Is this a fire-drill or something?”
The angry expression on his face told me we were definitely not in the middle of a drill. Putting his arms around my shoulders, he steered me back into the master suite.
“What’s happening?” I yelled above the noise when he remained obstinately silent.
“I’m going to find out. Stay here!” He turned to walk away but I grabbed his arm, frightened now that I knew this wasn’t part of someone’s prepare plan.
He gave me an irritated frown and awkwardly patted my hand. “I’ll be back for you as soon as I know what’s going on. I mean it, Noemi. Stay the fuck in this room until I come back for you.”
Not knowing what was happening elsewhere on the yacht, I didn’t think I had much of a choice but to do as he said, but when I heard the rattle of a key in the doorknob, I knew that Dante had locked me in... again.
What the hell? What if there was a fire somewhere on the ship and he had locked me into the cabin for what? To freaking burn to death? He wouldn’t do that, I told myself as I angrily paced the room with my hands over my ears.
The alarms continued to go off. Whatever danger had emerged had not been contained. I wasn’t going to get any answers by pacing a hole in the floor. I ran to the windows that ran along the wall opposite the bed. I couldn’t tell exactly what was going on. The view consisted of the blue of the ocean and the sky above it. It was beautiful but not helpful.
Turning my head, I returned to the bed and climbed across its kingsize mattress to the windows above it. The view was the same except this time, I saw what I thought must be the reason for the alarm.
A much smaller boat drifted just yards from theMary Theresa. I’m not a yachtie, but I was pretty certain it was uncommon and dangerous to have another vessel so close to use.
I looked closer.
Especially a vessel that appeared to be unmanned.
I didn’t need seafaring experience to tell me that this was no good. Crazy scenarios went through my head and none of them were pleasant. Maybe this boat was just adrift in the ocean? Or maybe it was a decoy for something else? Pirates, perhaps? Were they trying to board the boat or had they already? How could they get so close undetected?
I was terrified. I had no idea what was happening outside of my room. Frustrated, I turned my back away from the windows, a litany of insults about Dante’s character running through my head. I had my chance to use all of them when the cabin door was torn open and Dante barreled into the room.
“Get down!” he yelled, reaching for me and jerking me into his arms. The shrieking alarms continued as Dante pushed me onto the floor just as a loud explosion rocked the boat. I screamed, covering my ears, letting Dante cover my body with his as he pushed me into the luxurious carpet.
Glass from the windows shattered around us. I felt the pricks of shards falling against my leg, the only significant part of my body that Dante didn’t have covered with his. Noise continued around us, but I couldn’t make sense of it. Someone came into our room. Dante shouted at them. He hauled me partially up and we ran from the cabin with our backs stooped. Shielding me, Dante took us from the exterior lined master suite to an inner stateroom.
The crewman who’d come with us had two guns. He handed one to Dante as soon as we entered the stateroom. Dante took it from him and sat me in a chair.
“What’s going on?” I cried, tears starting to fall down my cheeks.
“I can’t explain now. I have to go.” He nodded at the crew member. “This is Daniel. He’ll stay with you until I return. Do whatever he tells you to do. Okay?”
I nodded, but snapped out a quick, “Yes!” when Dante’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t say anything else as he left the room. Daniel cocked his gun and leaned against the door, ready for whoever or whatever might try to get in.