Was it selfish of me to continue my process when Noemi stood terrified in the background? Yes, it was, but I would be of no use to her until I was finished. She didn’t know that, but she’d find out. After what she saw, she’d learn a great many things. Noemi’s life was about to change forever.
Wearing nothing but my boxer briefs, I stopped in front of her.
“I need you to start packing your things.”
“Are you serious right now? We can’t pack.” She grabbed my arm, her voice rising with fear and desperation. “Dante, there’s a dead man in our living room. A man that you... We need to call the police.”
I bit my tongue, knowing that she didn’t understand what had just happened. “I’ll call someone, but we’re not staying here. Pack your bags, Noemi, and don’t question me anymore. I’ll take care of this.”
“No,” she shook her head. “It’s not that simple. I’m just supposed to ignore that you killed a man?”
“He was going to kill you and me,” I harshly pointed out to her. I lost my patience and grabbed her by both shoulders. “Do what I say and pack your fucking clothes. Now.”
“I don’t understand. Why? I’m not doing anything until you explain this to me.”
I leaned over her, backing her cruelly up against the door jamb. “You will do what I say,bambina.You’re out of your element now. This is my world.”
Fuck. I knew she shouldn’t be in it. She didn’t belong there. I needed time to think and her presence delayed me.
I could see Noemi’s stubborn streak coming out. At some point in the last five years she’d grown a backbone. While dominating her had worked in the past, something told me I needed to try a different approach this time.
“Noemi,” I said quietly, stroking my finger down her cheek. She didn’t react as she normally did. Her body didn’t soften, her eyes didn’t drift closed. “Baby girl, I promise. I will call someone to help us deal with this and then, I’ll explain... everything. Just give me some more time. Okay?”
Still frightened, and reasonably so, she nodded slowly.
“Good girl,” I praised her. “Now, start with the things in the bathroom. Gather your toiletries. Mine, too. I’ll make a call while you do it.”
She lingered and I prodded her some more. “Quickly,bambina. You don’t need to stay in this room any longer than necessary.” It wasn’t a lie. We needed to leave – quickly.
Sucking in a deep breath, Noemi moved to the medicine cabinet and started gathering her toiletries.
“I’ll get my shaving kit for you. Thank you,bambina.”
I went to the closet and pulled my shaving kit from my suitcase. I quickly opened my other suitcase and retrieved the item I needed.
Noemi’s hands shook as she pulled items from the countertop and medicine cabinet and put them into her makeup case. Silently, I handed her my shaving kit. She took it from me, smiling bravely, her mouth quivering. I should have hated what I had to do next, but she couldn’t see more than she already had. My actions were necessary to mitigate any further damage. I’d deal with her emotions later.
I closed the door as I left the bathroom, shutting her in.
“Dante?” she called out as the door snapped shut.
I ignored her, bending to the floor to apply the door jammer. I braced myself against the outward swinging door to keep her from being able to open it. By the time she gave it more pressure to try to get it to open, the jammer was in place.
“What are you doing?” Noemi cried out. “Dante, let me out! Open the door!”
“Shhhh,” I tried to quiet her by remaining calm. “Trust me, Noemi.”
“I swear to God, Dante, if you tell me that one more time.”
I knew my patience wouldn’t last for long. My nature didn’t allow it. I slammed an angry fist on the door.
“Shut up and listen to me. This isn’t a fucking game. Pack those bags and when you’re done, sit on the floor quietly. I don’t want to hear another word out of your mouth until I come back to get you.”
“And if I don’t do what you say?” she answered bravely.
I channeled the icy rage directed not just at her but at the bastards who had put me in this position. “Then there will be consequences, baby girl. You don’t want to know what those are.”
A grim silence told me she understood my threats. Hastily, I moved from the door to use the hotel room phone.
I punched zero for the operator.
“Front desk.”
“Get me Master Templeton.Right. The Fuck. Now.”