Chapter Thirty

- Noemi -

DANTE WAS RIGHT. THEhot water felt glorious on my body. Being with Dante for the first time didn’t hurt, but oh, my, God. I had used muscles I didn’t even know I had. And while there was no pain, Dante filled me, dominating me with his body and giving me more intense pleasure than I’d ever experienced. Maybe that’s not saying much coming from a virgin, but it was certainly true.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw him sitting in the chair by the bed with two wine glasses on the table next to him. I reminded myself of his mantra. “No expectations.” Would we have sex again? Did he even want me again? He came, but... I don’t know. I could let self-doubt plague me, but I could tell from his groans and his dirty talk that he enjoyed what we did. Hopefully, as much as I did. But I wouldn’t ask him. He hated my questions and honestly, I couldn’t face him if he said that no, he didn’t want me again.

In good faith, our verbal contract had been fulfilled. Would it make me seem like a desperate nag if I wanted more? Because I did. Now that I had finally experienced Dante’s lovemaking, I didn’t want to give him up.

I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the steamy bathroom. The completion of the contract was supposed to be the end of something – the end of longing, and fantasies, and unrequited lust.

After forty-eight hours, I was afraid it was exactly the opposite. I wasn’t ready to be done with Dante and I prayed he wasn’t ready to be done with me.

I smiled shyly at him as I crossed the room. I wore the white silk dressing robe that Cecile had given me, or rather Dante had purchased for me. Dante stood up when I got close to him. He handed me a glass, his eyes never leaving me. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. The room was darker now; the moonlight not as bright as it had been. I was relieved that Dante didn’t turn the light on. I don’t think I was ready for that just yet.

“How do you feel?” he asked as he handed me a glass.

I took a small sip and grimaced at the bitterness of the wine. It must have been a red, but it was nowhere near as good as the Bordeaux we had with dinner. At least, not to my incompetent palate. I liked my wine sweet, but this one was heavy. It coated my mouth, leaving me wanting a glass of water to wash it down.

“Good,” I answered him, reaching to put my glass on the table. “That was a good idea. About the shower. It will help. Thank you.”

“You’re sore?” Dante asked bluntly, picking my drink back up. “Have some more. It will help you relax.”

I wasn’t particularly uptight at that moment, but knowing how quickly I could get into my own head, I gave the wine another chance. Now that I was prepared for the taste, the second swallow went down more smoothly.

Dante pulled something out of his pants pocket and set it down on the table. “Some ibuprofen. Take them before you lie down. It will help you sleep through any... discomfort.”

I took that to mean that we were indeed through for the night.

“Trust me,bambina.” Dante ran his finger lightly over my cheek, a gesture I was quickly becoming to adore. “Leaving you alone the rest of the night isn’t what I want either, but you’ll thank me for it in the morning.”

I also began to love when that one corner of his mouth ticked upward. It was as close to a smile as I ever saw on him. I, however, was not as good at hiding my emotions as he was.

“Don’t look so crestfallen, baby girl. I promise, Iwillmake it up to you.”

He leaned down and gave me a fast kiss on the mouth. It was over and done before I realized he’d kissed me. It lacked the fire and fury of the night’s other kisses. It was reserved and... almost absent-minded. And it left me wanting more.

“Drink your wine, Noemi,” Dante ordered, tipping my hand up to bring the glass closer to my mouth.

I did as he said. I was tired and not in the mood to argue over something as ridiculous as drinking a glass of wine. The glass wasn’t full so finishing it in a few swallows was easy to do. I took another quick drink, leaving a little at the bottom of the glass.

“Good girl,” Dante murmured. He reached over to the nightstand and handed me the two tablets. “Now, take these and climb into bed before I change my mind.”

I bit my lip with anticipation, hoping that he would reconsider his decision to be so uncharacteristically noble. “I wouldn’t mind... if you had a change of heart.”

He shook his head steadily. “I won’t. But if I do,” he dropped a kiss on my forehead, another gesture I couldn’t get enough of, “I know where to find you.”

When he turned away, I clutched his arm. “Wait. Aren’t you going to sleep, too? Where are you going?”

He continued to move forward, not looking back at me. My arm fell away from him. “I have some work to do,” he answered. “I’ll pull the curtain. You won’t be disturbed. Goodnight, Noemi.”

I blinked at his retreating figure. Freaking emotionally complicated man. Or was it that he was remarkably uncomplicated and that’s why I didn’t understand him?

I heaved a sigh. Tomorrow was another day. Tonight had been perfect. Dinner. Dancing. Dante wined and dined me, something I hadn’t expected. I didn’t want to ruin it by becoming petulant and demanding. Sleeping between silk sheets; the warm tropical breeze blowing the heavenly scents from the flowers outside into the room; having body numbing sex with Dante Calegari. What more could a girl ask for?

I opened my mouth to toss in the ibuprofen. One hit the mark; the other rolled away on the floor somewhere. I took a hasty sip of the last of the wine to wash down the one that made it into my mouth, then crawled around on the floor to find the other one. But the tablet was tiny, and the room was dark and to heck with it. Being a little sore tomorrow wouldn’t be the end of the world. Every movement of my body would be a reminder of the pleasure I’d experienced at Dante’s hands.

I took the robe off and crawled into bed. I could smell Dante on the sheets. His woodsy, citrusy scent lingered on the bedding, a stark reminder of his absence. I grabbed the pillow he had laid his head on and tucked it up next to me, my cheek resting against it. I inhaled deeply, closed my eyes, and let the tropical night air lull me to sleep.