“But how could you know... all of that? I know we’ve known each other for years, but... we weren’t really close, were we?”

Dante’s jaw tightened. There we go. I made him mad again. He drained the last of his wine from his glass. “I know you better than you think.” Pushing his chair back, he rose to his feet and extended his hand.

Without question, I stood up and took his hand, thinking we were going to leave. My stomach did a flip-flop as I anticipated what would come next.

“Dance with me,bambina.” Dante murmured, pulling me through the dimly lit dining area to the dance floor on the other side of the room.

But I hadn’t expected that. I was more nervous about making a fool of myself dancing with Dante than I was about having sex with him.

“If you knew me so well, you wouldn’t ask me to dance with you,” I huffed, letting him guide me reluctantly to the parquet floor.

“And if you trusted me, you wouldn't question my decision.”

We took position at the edge of the floor, closest to the open wall. Dante circled my waist with one arm, pulling me up against his chest. He took my other hand in his, pressed it to his lips again, then held it against his chest.

“I don’t dance,” I mumbled uncomfortably. “Dante, I don’t want to embarrass us. I have two left feet, no sense of rhythm.”

“We’re not doing salsa, baby girl. Relax. Lean against me,” he directed, his warm breath tickling my ear.

I did what he said, letting my body get as close to his as I could. We became one form as Dante’s arm around my waist tightened. He extended it to slide down my back, cupping my rear end. His thigh pressed at the apex of my legs and he started to move. Slowly. A gentle sway from side to side. That, I could do.

“That’s it, baby girl,” Dante purred his approval in my ear.

That was one of the times that I liked Dante’s quiet nature. He didn’t prattle on in my ear, but if possible, he held me even tighter, allowing me to completely relax against his body. My feet were on the ground, but I think Dante was the only thing holding me up. His strong, reassuring presence made me let go of my awkwardness. When he nuzzled the top of my head with his chin, I sighed and slid my hand from his chest to the nape of his neck. I was so in tune to him, I blocked out the sound of the music. I didn’t notice the few other couples dancing around us. I wanted to stay there, tucked into the warmth of his arms for the rest of the night, so much so that I mewled with disappointment when Dante stopped moving and kissed my forehead.

“There are much better things to come,bambina,” he whispered against my forehead.

“But I’m not supposed to have expectations,” I reminded him, hiding my nervousness behind a laugh.

Dante led me through the open wall of the ballroom. He didn’t speak as we traveled the walkway back to our bungalow. His hand remained firm on the small of my back, but it was the only part of his body touching me. I don’t know if I was grateful for the silence or if even a pathetic attempt at conversation would have eased my anxiety. I didn’t know what to say anyway, so I’d have to do as he said and trust him.

The air grew heavy around me as my mind raced through scenario after scenario. Would Dante continue the seduction with a slow, gentle hand? Tenderly taking my body with his the same way he had danced with me earlier? Would there be sweet whispers and slow caresses?

From the way Dante shoved me against the wall as soon as we walked into the bungalow, my answer to that question was “no.”