The more reminders I had of that, the more my heart broke.


THE LONGER I WAITEDalone for Dante to return, the more nervous I got. I paced the floor, growing more self-conscious as the minutes passed. Minutes. It had only been like four minutes since Cecile had rolled her wonder cart out of the bungalow after storing my new clothes in the bedroom. She had kissed my cheek, told me to have fun, then wheeled the unfortunate unchosen garments away with her.

The enormity of the evening quickly became overwhelming. All the dress-up clothes in the world couldn’t have calmed my nerves. The ball was just the tip of the iceberg. Finally getting to be with Dante... part of me wondered if it was even going to happen, if he was finally going to make love to me, or fuck me, as he kept saying. After he fingered me to orgasm last night, I didn’t care which it was. I just wanted that feeling again. I wanted his mouth on me, his hands touching me. I wanted to know what it would be like to finally feel him deep inside me, touching me in ways no man ever had.

“I hope,bambina, that I can live up to the expression on your face.”

I know I blushed eighteen shades of scarlet as I looked up to face Dante. He hadn’t come in through the front door but used the open wall of the lanai to enter the bungalow. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear him approach.

“How do you do that?” I muttered, suddenly uncomfortable in my own skin as Dante’s eyes moved over me from head to toe.

“Years of practice,” he murmured. “Turn around,” he ordered more strongly, making a twirling motion with his finger.

While Dante watched, I turned as gracefully as I could in the strappy high heels Cecile picked out for me to wear. I could feel the intensity of his gaze as it slid over my body. When I completed the circle, I looked into his eyes as he crossed the distance to me.

“Cecile did well,” he complimented. His voice dropped to a whisper. “You look stunning, Noemi. I almost don’t want to leave this room with you.”

I smiled at his uncharacteristic flattery. “And let all this go to waste?” I waved my hand over my hair, face and body with a dramatic flair.

One corner of his mouth ticked upward. “Not wasted, baby girl, but not shared either. The resort is secluded but we’ll be around others tonight. I find that I’m not happy about the idea of anyone else seeing you looking so damn fucking hot.”

My breath caught as he growled out the last words. The intensity in his gaze morphed to a hot heat, too scorching to handle. I dropped my eyes to his chest, just then realizing he’d already changed into his tuxedo.

If Dante Calegari in a suit was my daily fantasy, then Dante Calegari in a tuxedo was my call to sin. He wore the standard black and white ensemble like a second skin, radiating a devilish sense of power, sensuality, and dominance.

“You look nice, too,” was all I could croak out.

He quirked an eyebrow upward, trailing one finger across my chin and tipping my head up. “Thank you,” he said, staring down at me.

I shifted nervously on my feet, my skin burning where he touched me.

“Come,” he ordered, dropping my chin. He placed one hand on the small of my back and guided me to the lanai.

“Shouldn’t we lock up?” I asked him as we left the way he had entered, through the open glass wall.

“We’re safe here,” he replied.

We stepped from the lanai onto the wooden plank walkway. The man who ran into me earlier popped into my head. I was ready to tell Dante about him. Perhaps we weren’t as safe as it seemed we were. I sifted through my thoughts, thinking about how I wanted to mention it, when Dante stopped us from walking.

With both hands on my hips, he turned me to face him.

“I want you to do something for me, Noemi.” He stared down at me, waiting for my response.

“Oh, God,” I groaned. “Not tonight. I don’t want to wear that blindfold tonight.”

I swear his growl was a chuckle in disguise. The amusement in his eyes told me so. The man had no idea how to really laugh.

“No.” He shook his head. “There’s no need for the blindfold tonight.”

“Then, what do you want?”

“Such a loaded question,” he said in his usual deadpan voice. His eyes squinted as he seemed to be searching for his words. He stroked my chin with just one finger again.

“There are many men at this resort, Noemi. Not all of them are very nice people. You are perfectly safe,” he added reassuringly, probably in response to my quick intake of breath. “I don’t want to take the time to explain it but some of the guests here have some tastes that you might find... irregular.”

He took a step closer to me.