“Hmmm,” he murmured as he reached out to stroke my chin with his thumb. “You’re not happy with me,bambina?”

Surely, he wasn’t that dense? “I went to sleep alone. I woke up alone. I ate breakfast alone.”

“Ah. So, you’re upset that I haven’t paid enough attention to you? Even after I made you come last night?”

“There’s more to life than orgasms.”

One side of his mouth ticked upward. It wasn’t much, but I’d made him smile that Dante version of a smile/ not a smile.

“If you say so. You ate? Had your coffee? Packed?” He rattled the questions off as he stepped back from me and looked around the room.

“Yes, yes, and yes. And thank you for the coffee.” I tried to be nice. I really did appreciate that he made sure I had what I needed to make the coffee palatable.

Dante quirked an eyebrow, pretending he didn’t know what I was talking about. I was too tired and irritated to spell it out for him.

“Turn around,” he directed as he reached into his suit pocket.

I wanted to say ‘no’, knowing that the blindfold would be coming out and not understanding why. But he’d already warned me that the deal would be off. It was his way or no way at all. And he wasn’t hurting me, so I had no grounds to refuse. With a huff I made sure he could hear, I presented my back to him.

“You’re really going to have to explain this need for secrecy. Other people know where we are. Why can’t I?” I grumbled as the silk scarf was once again wrapped around my eyes.

After he tied it, his hands slipped around my waist, pulling me back against his chest. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love that position. Every bit of me relaxed against him as soon as I felt the strength of his muscled arms encircle me. I could grumble about his lack of communication skills all I wanted, but being in his arms, being this physically close to him, this was what this week was all about. It may only be temporary, but for just a little while, I was his. I was going to have to learn to deal with everything else.

I shivered as I felt Dante’s lips against the soft tissue behind my ear. “You’ll learn soon. This has nothing to do with keeping secrets.”

“Then what?” I asked as his hands roamed from my waist to the top of my thighs. My legs weakened and I clutched his arm for support. His hand slid up my skirt and rested at the apex of my thighs, cupping my sex gently. Slowly, he circled my clit with his forefinger. My head fell back against his shoulder and I parted my legs for his reach.

“Pleasure, baby girl. This is all about pleasure.”


“No.” His finger moved faster. I felt the heat rising in me. Easy. It was too easy for him. One touch and I was seconds away from an orgasm. Then his fingers stopped, and I moaned at the loss.

“Yours, baby girl. Everything is about heightening your pleasure.” His fingers started working again and I gasped from how quickly the tension returned. “When one sense is deprived, the others take over. They become more aware. You turn to them to help you fill in the gaps from the information you are missing. Your body has a need for the knowledge that’s being withheld, so it seeks it. Just as your body is seeking an orgasm right now, isn’t it, Noemi?”

“Yes,” I gasped.

“I’m going to do something that you’re not going to like and I’m not going to tell you why.”

Abruptly, his fingers stopped circling. His hand fell away from me and he took a step back. He was close, still. I could feel his presence near me, but he wasn’t holding me anymore.

“I’m not going to let you come, Noemi. Not until later. Until tonight.” His voice deepened with his own arousal. How did he do it? I was ready to peak in just a few minutes of his touch and he’d been denying himself for days.

“The next time you come will be when my cock is buried deep inside of you. So, be a good girl today and we’ll both get what we came here for.”

I didn’t know what to say. I gasped when Dante threw me over his shoulder. I clutched his waist, my head hanging down to the middle of his back.

“Relax,” he murmured. “It’s easier to carry you down the stairs this way. Don’t fidget around or I’ll drop you on your ass.”

He started to move. I would have raised my head, but I couldn’t see anything anyway.

I felt Dante smooth the material of my dress over my bottom. “Poor choice,” he growled, placing one hand over my cheeks.

“Stop criticizing! I wore what you said. It’s for warm-weather and it’s a dress. If you’d be a little more forthcoming about your plans to blindfold and carry me, I’d be more than happy to dress accordingly.”

I couldn’t see his mouth tick, but he snorted. “Is this your idea of being a good girl?”

“Yes, it is. I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. You have determined the where, without giving me so much as a hint as to where ‘where’ is. I’m blind as a bat while you carry me around like a caveman with his prized kill. You told me not to lie to you and I’ve been nothing but honest. What exactly have I done that goes against anything you’ve dictated?”

While I rambled on, Dante maneuvered us down the gangway. Dang, he was good at distracting me. He clasped his hand over my buttocks, keeping my dress in place as he lowered me slowly to my feet. I slid down the length of his body before resting on my feet. I felt every inch of him against me.

He took my chin in his hand and turned my face to that now familiar angle. The one I knew he liked my face to be in when he kissed me. “Nothing,” he answered my question before leaving a hard kiss on my mouth. “You’re fucking perfect.”