Chapter Twenty-Three
- Noemi -
MY EYES HURT THE NEXTmorning with that sandy, burnt feeling sleeplessness brings on. I wouldn’t say I sobbed or even cried myself to sleep, but there were some tears shed as a result of Dante’s abrupt departure. I lost sleep over trying to figure out just what had made him so angry to begin with. I had been honest with him and then I paid the price –his disapproval. I’m not sure why pleasing him meant so much to me, but I was certain of one thing. As a grown adult, I had the right to discuss anything with anyone that I chose. Lilly and I hadn’t discussed anything specific. It was all vague and cryptic... just like Dante. I thought he got his underwear in a bunch over nothing and was fully prepared to tell him so.
As I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, I was pleasantly surprised to find that we had landed. I had slept through it. No one had awoken me. Hastily, I put my clothes back on and ran the brush in my purse through my hair.
When I entered the main cabin, Sylvia was setting the table.
“Good morning,” she smiled brightly. “I hope you slept well.”
Not in the mood for conversation, I forced a smile back. “Well enough, thank you.”
“Good. I’ll be back in a minute with some breakfast. Mr. Calegari ordered eggs benedict for both of you. Would you like some coffee while you wait?”
Coffee. It sounded heavenly. I was picky about how I liked my coffee because mostly, I didn’t like coffee. But with the right amount of the right flavored creamer, I was addicted. This morning, I didn’t care if the only creamer available was powdery airplane stuff. I needed the caffeine.
“Coffee would be wonderful, thank you.”
Once she left, I sat down at the table, admiring the gold-rimmed china that was set before me. I didn’t pay attention to it last night. The cabin had been too dim to be wowed by that display of wealth. That morning, I could clearly see that the juice glasses were cut crystal, the silverware,realsilver. Something told me I was in for the breakfast of my life.
But was I eating it alone? Sylvia said that Dante had ordered for us both but there was only a place setting for one?
Sylvia returned with a coffee carafe. “In case you need a double,” she smiled. God, I must have looked every bit as tired as I felt. We’d flown all night. I hadn’t showered, applied make up, or changed into anything decent. Flipping fantastic. And where was the man responsible for all this? Where was Dante?
It was on the tip of my tongue to ask Sylvia where he was, but I was distracted by how she filled my coffee cup only halfway then added enough creamer from the little jug to fill the cup to the brim.
“Coconut creamer,” she smiled down at me. “Mr. Calegari insisted.”
He told them how I liked my coffee? If he’d been there, I would have thrown it in his face. Obviously, he had discussed my preferences with the stewards. I wouldn’t be cranky about that if he hadn’t walked out on me last night for daring to discuss him with his own sister. My reaction was petty, I know. Discussing coffee wasn’t the same as discussing someone’s sex life.
I couldn’t wait so I brought the cup to my lips and took a delicious sip of the creamy concoction. “Perfect,” I sighed. “Speaking of Mr. Calegari, is he planning on joining me?”
Sylvia was already shaking her head. “No, ma’am. He ate about an hour ago then debarked. He said to tell you to eat and he’d be back as soon as possible.”
“Oh.” Disappointment flooded me. I was irritated with him, but I didn’t expect to be deserted. I clearly didn’t know how to follow his directions of “no expectations.”
“We’re waiting to refuel, so there’s no hurry with your breakfast,” Sylvia added, sympathy written on her face.
“Is there a shower or anything I can use when I’m done?” I desperately needed one.
“Yes, ma’am. Finish your breakfast, and I’ll show you where you can shower and change.” She was probably younger than me, but Sylvia’s southern charm was shining. It was nice to have a friendly face to wake up to.
An hour later, I had eaten, showered, and changed into a white tee-shirt dress and some red tennis shoes. Warm-weather clothes. A dress. Just like Dante wanted. I wondered if it was too casual but considering Mr. Secrecy didn’t want to share much information with me, it was the best I could do. I found a hairdryer in the lavatory and put my hair into a long high-top ponytail. With simple makeup, I was ready.
To do what, where? I had no clue.
I looked in the mirror, trying to see past the puffy eyes that the makeup did little to hide. Was it too early for a nap? I really needed some sleep. And, where were we? I didn’t ask Sylvia. She probably would have given me the same “ask Mr. Calegari” response that Lyle had.
“Come here, baby girl.”
Think of the devil and the devil’s voice interrupts your thoughts.
The bathroom door was cracked open. I pushed it open wide to find Dante leaning against the wall. He straightened up as I emerged from the room. His eyes moved over me from head to toe. I couldn’t tell if he liked what he saw. He didn’t say anything, so I didn’t either. I was still irritated with him for his abrupt departure last night and his disappearing act this morning.
But I wasn’t as good at hiding my thoughts as he was. Dante was freshly shaven and dressed in one of his trademark black suits. He looked delicious, with his dark hair perfectly combed as always. I hoped he was paying his tailor well because whoever that person was, they tailored Dante’s suit to perfection. He radiated power and dominance and now that I was standing in front of him, I nearly forgot why I was so upset with him.