“Did you eat?” I asked casually.

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you.”

“Not a problem. You were hungry.”

“I did save the champagne, though,” she added hurriedly.

I liked that she was afraid of displeasing me. I wasn’t sure at what point my pleasure had become important to her, but the fact that it had tipped the scale in my favor. If she wanted to please me, I’d give her every opportunity to do just that.

“I’m glad that you did.” I took my glass of champagne and sat on the edge of the bed facing her. She moved her legs over to give me room, but I liked the feel of her warmth next to me, so I immediately moved closer to fill the gap.

I raised my glass to her. “A toast,” I began solemnly.

She raised her glass and waited.

“To you.” I clinked the edge of my glass against the rim of hers then took a sip.

Noemi giggled and the sound reverberated through my body.

“Tous,” she amended, taking a sip as well. Before she was through swallowing, I reached over and took the glass from her. I set both glasses on the table beside the bed.

“You’re wrong, Noemi. There’s no ‘us.’”

Bracing my arms on either side of her body, I loomed over her, feeling her body immediately stiffen beneath me.

“I don’t want there to be any confusion about what this trip means. This is about you and your pleasure. It’s about you pleasing me. It’s not the beginning of something,bambina. It’s the end. The end of your virginity. The end of your fantasies. The end of wondering what it will feel like to have my cock inside you. Very soon, you’ll know just how good it will feel when I take that tight little pussy of yours and make it mine. I’d be doing you a disservice if I let you think that this is anything more than a means to an end. Do you understand?”

I saw her head nod in the darkness. “Words, Noemi. I need to hear you say that you understand.”

“I understand,” she replied faintly, a hint of sorrow in her voice. I pushed it aside.

“There’s one other thing I need you to know. Words. I don’t talk a lot, but when I do, I need you to listen. I need to know that you hear and understand. I’ll speak plainly but when you answer me, I need you to use words. So that we’re clear. Tell me you understand.”

“I understand,” she whispered, her head hanging down now. Gone were the giggles and smiles.

Handing her back her champagne, I eased up onto the pillows next to her. She pulled away to give me room.

“Stay,” I growled, putting my hand on her thigh.

“Okay.” Immediately, she returned to her previous position.

We drank in silence. I wasn’t used to seducing women. There were usually very few preliminaries with the females I fucked. At least, until we got into the bedroom. I always made sure they enjoyed themselves, that they received as much, if not more, pleasure than I did. But there was no romance. No soft music and roses. No sweet words. I didn’t know how to do that shit. This champagne with Noemi was as close as I’d come to romance since my teenage years.

“All done?” I asked after a few minutes, ready to leave the niceties behind and get on with what I’d planned.

I watched as she tipped the glass back, finishing what was left. “Yes, thank you,” she answered contritely.

I pulled the glass from her hands and dropped it onto the floor next to the bed.

“Look at me, Noemi.”

I would have seen her defiance if the lights had been bright enough to see her eyes. But I didn’t need to. I felt the tension in her body as she turned her head.

I twisted my hand through her hair, moving her head where I wanted it. With the other hand, I pulled the sheet from her grasp, uncovering her body. She trembled slightly as I ran my hand up her thigh, across the fabric of her panties, coming to rest on her stomach.

I frowned into the darkness as I reached further up and explored her chest. I couldn’t imagine what the bra and panties she wore looked like, but they were not the sort designed to tempt a man.

She sensed my displeasure as I tugged on her bra straps to lower them.