Chapter Nineteen

- Noemi -

IBURNED MY DINNERbecause I couldn’t get Dante out of my mind. I balked at the idea of losing my virginity in his office, but after the way he kissed me, I would have let him do whatever he wanted.

I was still nauseous from the realization that he had even agreed to my proposal. I told myself to buck up. This was what I wanted, wasn’t it? If it wasn’t, it was too late. Judging by Dante’s words when I tried to call it off because he made me angry – again – the train had already left the station. Thank God he hadn’t agreed to let me out of our agreement. He was committed to our bargain. I shivered as I scraped the remains of the pasta out of the pan and into the trash. I tossed the pan into the sink and filled it with water to make cleaning it easier.

I rummaged through the cabinet looking for something I could eat. When I bought groceries, I just got the bare minimum and I was so hungry! I hadn’t eaten all day. Once the idea occurred to me to offer my virginity to Dante, I had been so nervous that I couldn’t eat anything. The only thing I had to drink was a cup of coffee early that morning.

I was still shocked, though happy and extremely nervous, that Dante had accepted my proposal. I didn’t have to talk him into it; though, I don’t know why that surprised me. Though he agreed to it, Dante didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about the prospect. Then again, I couldn’t remember ever seeing Dante enthusiastic about anything. He was always so meticulous. From the way he spoke to the way he dressed. The only time I’d seen him let loose even a little was during those two kisses we shared.

Deciding on popcorn and tea, which was probably more than my stomach could handle, I curled up in the recliner I had strategically placed in front of the gas fireplace.

Once the adrenaline passed, my nerves took over. I can’t believe what I’d set in motion. I used my virginity to get Dante’s attention and it worked. I wondered if I’d be able to handle it. Handle him.

Dante overwhelmed at the same time he tempted me. Tempted me enough to make me forget who I was. Tempted me enough to give me the strength to try to tempthim. I didn’t know how he did it. I had been confident all my life in areas that had nothing to do with men. School. Work. Friendships. I had a limited circle of people in my life, but I trusted and valued all of them. I felt comfortable with them.

Dante made me feel anything but comfortable. The way he touched me. Just one finger on my cheek made me weak in the knees. And when his lips touched mine, whether slow and deliberate or hot and heavy, my entire body erupted in flames. Like today.

My stomach clenched as I remembered the feel of Dante’s hands. I smiled, thinking about how frustrated he’d become at how tight my skirt was. What would have happened if he’d been able to touch me the way he clearly wanted to?

He would have run his hand up my thigh as I was doing now. Would have pushed aside the edge of my panties, tracing my folds as his finger sought my –

The buzz of my cell phone interrupted my fantasy. I wouldn’t have answered but it was sitting on the end table next to me.

Dante’s number flashed on the screen.

“Hello,” I answered with another squeak.

“What are you doing?” his smooth, deep voice asked. He didn’t even start the conversation with a greeting.

“I... eating some popcorn.”

“Is that all?” he asked suggestively.

Oh my god, how could he know that I’d been touching myself, but thinking about him? I didn’t want to answer. I wouldn’t.I couldn’t!He’d never know for sure if I didn’t tell him.

“Answer me, baby girl.”

“Nothing,” I denied. “Just sitting in front of the fire, eating some popcorn.”

“You’re lying,” he accused easily. “Don’t lie to me, Noemi. You asked me not to lie to you. I won’t tolerate it either. In fact, it makes me quite angry. Now, I’ll ask you again. What are you doing?”

When he took that stern tone with me, I completely caved, relieved that he’d ordered me to tell him, because now, I had no choice. I had to do what he said. My mind craved it.

“I was... thinking...”

He was impatient, and I was still hesitant.

“What were you thinking about, baby girl? Were you thinking about me?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Tell me,” he purred after a moment of silence.

“What? No, Dante, I can’t –” My cheeks heated as if he were in the room.

I heard him sigh heavily. “You disappoint me, Noemi. But I’m willing to help you out. Where is your hand right now?”