I pushed harder.

“Tell me,bambina, or my answer to your proposition is ‘no’.”

I let my displeasure color my words. She had to know that I didn’t prevaricate. If she didn’t want to tell me, that was fine. But the hardness of my cock and the pain it felt at being denied told me that I had to get her to talk to me. Threats usually worked.

Her eyes flew back to mine. She saw my resolve and lowered her eyes again.

“No one has ever kissed me that way. After that kiss... The way you made me feel. I couldn’t imagine giving my virginity to anyone else. It’s like... like it alreadybelongsto you.”

The blood rushed to my dick, making me fully erect now. A whole new line of questions arose but it was what she didn’t say that made the difference. She wasn’t looking for some random person to relieve her of her burden. That kiss awakened something in her as much as it had in me. The thought thrilled and angered me at the same time. One lingering question remained, but I could wait. Why she wanted to lose her virginity after twenty-six years of protecting it was something I would get from her later.

“I know,” she continued, “that if I let someone else be the first, I would be very disappointed. If you could make me feel that way with a kiss, then...”

Her voice trailed off and this time, she lowered her head, not just her eyes.

“Then what else can I make you feel?” I supplied the words for her, too impatient to seal the deal.

She answered with a barely perceptible nod, but it was all I needed.

I played my next hand, or my dick, actually. I walked around the desk to stand in front of her again. My movement made her lift her head, but this time, her eyes were drawn to me, my erection capturing her attention. Her mouth opened; the tip of her tongue traced her bottom lip.

“So now you have my answer.” I looked down at myself then drew my finger along the line of her jaw. Reaching her chin, I tipped her head up to meet my eyes.

“That’s a ‘yes’?” she croaked.

The corner of my mouth ticked up. “Yes. It seems there is a mystery we both want solved. You want to know how much more I can make you feel after just one kiss.

“I want to know how good it will feel to fuck you.”

“I didn’t say f – that word,” she protested.

“But you didn’t specify. You didn’t say you wanted me to make love to you, Noemi. You said you wanted me to take your virginity. You didn’t say how.”

I dropped her chin and leaned back against my desk. “You should have been more specific. I’ve already accepted your proposal.” I shrugged. I wasn’t changing the terms now.

“But... there’s more!” Noemi sat forward anxiously. “You said I could ask for what I want. I have... conditions.”

I nodded again. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? You asked me to take your virginity and I agreed to do so. Now, let’s discuss the details. The where, when and how is completely up to me.”

“What? That’s crazy. Why would I agree to that?” So, she did have a backbone when it came to protecting what she valued. Her outcry almost made me smile.

“Because that’s the way I am. If we agree to do this, we do it my way. I decide when, where... and yes,how.”

The sudden look of fear in her eyes reached out to me.Because, bambina, this is also what I need. I needed control. I needed her fear, her complete surrender. Her surrender.

“And if I don’t agree to that?”

I shrugged. “Then the deal’s off.”

She balked at my words, but I gave her time to consider them.

“I have a countermeasure,” she said, breaking the silence after several seconds. It wasn’t the right term, but I let it go.

“Go on.”

“No pain. I... I don’t want to get hurt, physically.”

While her statement was disappointing, it was also unexpected. Where had her mind been that she thought about losing her virginity and pain as two things that needed to be considered together?