As my addiction grew, so did my anger and frustration. She was a distraction. A beautiful, unwanted distraction. She got in my way, got under my skin, and never knew it. The next man who was unfortunate enough to have a visit from me died in an unnecessarily painful way because my weakness devastated me. I made him pay because I allowed myself to feel too much, to care for someone who could never be apart in my life. I made him suffer so I could take my inner rage out on someone because I couldn’t express it the way normal people could.
It took years, but when Noemi announced she was moving to England, I was relieved.My inability to remain cool and aloof, even on the job, showed me I couldn’t afford to have her around.
The last forty-eight hours proved what havoc she could wreak in my life. She was a grown woman now and could make her own decisions. She decided to come home, and I decided how I’d treat her now that she was there.
I leaned back in my chair and turned my attention from the woman from the past to the woman on the screen in front of me. There was something about her tonight. Something that called me back to those days and back to those original feelings.
Uncomplicated desire. Simplistic need. Even when she clearly needed something more, my mind and body went straight to the physical. How the simplicity of a classic little black dress suited her. How this one hugged her curves. It wasn’t tailored to fit. It pulled tightly across her breasts but draped loosely over her hips and even the coat she had draped over her shoulders couldn’t hide her allure.
My life was full of things I should have regretted but didn’t. There were only one or two things in this world that I wished I could do over and tonight, I was going to add another to the list. I couldn’t resist her any longer. It was time for Noemi to start paying for the trouble she caused me.
I switched off the cameras and logged out of the program running on my laptop. My office bordered the back of the house and had a French door that opened to the back yard. Noemi’s column was at the other end of the veranda. I shrugged into my jacket, conscious of the cold night air, but knowing I wouldn’t feel it beneath the heat that coursed through me. Picking up my glass of Scotch, I slipped quietly out the door.
I knew the outdoor lighting well, having designed the security system myself. I knew where the dark spots were, the areas where the shadows would blend together, and shapes would be indistinguishable. I easily moved unseen amongst the shadows. I stood within six feet of her and she didn’t know I was there. I took the time to study her without pixels and auto zoom.
Noemi was breathtaking. Gabriel must have had a compelling meeting lined up. I couldn’t see St. Valentine or Stefan leaving her alone if they had the opportunity to make a move on her.
The little black dress she wore was deceptive in its style; classic but revealing. Timeless but tempting. Noemi wore simple jewelry, a black choker studded with some cheap crystals that glistened in the moonlight. Pretty, but fake.
She deserved more. I knew some pieces that would look stunning against the creaminess of her throat. I had a collection. Diamonds, emeralds, rubies. Jewelry is hard to trace and can be easily modified. There was one piece that came to my mind. With a few tweaks, I could make it hers. I’d love to see that blue diamond nestled in the valley of her breasts, sliding over her skin as I held her above me and moved her over my cock, lowering her inch by satisfying inch.
I bit back a growl as I pulled a long swallow from my scotch.
I needed to stay the hell away from her. Even from my home in the shadows, I could feel her pull. My bodyneededher.Demandedthat I give in. It knew things I didn’t.
That she’d be the best fuck I ever had.
That having her once would never be enough.
Wasn’t that why I couldn’t touch her? I could never bring a woman like her into my world. She wouldn’t want to stay there once she found out how dark and depraved I was. If she ever did breach that barrier, she’d have to stay. Once I had her, I could never let her go. And if she didn’t want to stay, if she ever found out who I really was, I couldn’t let her live.
I was fucked.
In so many ways it physically hurt.
I threw back the last of the Dalmore, prepared to turn around and walk back inside. Prepared to return to my resentment and not face her again until another special family event meant I had no choice but to get close to temptation again.
I had to leave while I still had the balls to walk away.
But I didn’t. Ifuckingdidn’t.
And then it was too late.
A sweet, soft sigh filled the shadows, made its way through my darkness, and wrapped itself around me, pulling me to her.Bindingme to her.
The moment that sound left her throat, I claimed it. I knew it was mine and so was she. No one else had the right to find out what made my siren sing such a sad song. Just the thought of someone else walking out onto the veranda and asking her, getting to hear what it was that had caused such a melancholy sound to be forced from her lips, was enough to send my temper raging.
I made one last attempt to stay away.
Maybe she’d had a hard day. Maybe the conversation at dinner had taxed her. Maybe the incident between Lilly and St. Valentine, whatever the hell that was, bothered her. It should have bothered me, too, but it didn’t. Gabriel could take care of that crap.
Maybe she was lonely. Maybe she was lost. Maybe she had money problems. Howthe fuckwould I know what caused such an overwhelming sadness to control her?
The answer to that was simple and against my nature.Talk to her. Ask her how she’s doing. Pretend I cared, but then, who’d be the liar? I’d be lying if I said I was pretending. I must have cared, even just a little, or I would have stayed in my office and spent my evening with a cold PTZ and my laptop.
Noemi closed her eyes as she sagged against the stone; her shoulders drooping. She was never an animated person. She liked the quiet. She lived for the background, content to fade away. She needed the background the same way I craved the shadows.
But this was different.