Chapter Twelve

- Noemi -

WHEN I WAS INVITEDto dinner, I thought it would be a family affair with a couple of Gabriel’s associates invited for a casual meal. I wasn’t prepared for Mrs. Calegari’s birthday party the night before and I wasn’t prepared for the testosterone that took over the Calegari house for dinner that night. Lilly said guests were coming, but I thought she meant friend of Gabriel’s. But these men... There were only three guests, but individually, they had a larger than life presence. Together, it was alpha male domination.

I walked in wearing my simplest little black dress and immediately wished I’d made my excuses that morning and stayed home to update my resume. I hated being social to begin with, but the three men who arrived not long after I did were walking intimidation. Thankfully, Gabriel was his usual protective, charming self.

“Noemi,” he said, taking my hand, “let me introduce you to my friends.”

I shook hands with a middle-aged man who was quite frankly, a gorgeous silver fox. Handsome and debonair, but too old for me, if he was who Lilly wanted to fix me up with. He had a Russian name I’d never be able to pronounce so I was relieved when he said I could call him “Peter.”

The next man had a scar running over his forehead, but it didn’t take away from how attractive he was. “Stefan” had a heavy, Eastern European accent and piercing blue eyes.

Both men were intimidating in their masculinity, but when I was introduced to the third man, I found myself wanting to run the other way.

He was introduced as Sebastian St. Valentine and he was the only one of the three who raised my hand to his lips instead of just shaking it. I’m pretty sure I blushed, and he noticed.

“How charming,” he muttered, releasing my hand with a strange smile and a wicked glint in his eyes.

I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. Not because I was attracted to him, and honestly, I should have been because he was a gorgeous man with cobalt eyes, cut jaw and a manly physique that I could see defined through his perfectly tailored suit. He reminded me so much of Dante, who I suddenly missed, and that baffled me.

Dante wasn’t exactly the kind of man one turned to for comfort, but he made me feel safe, as odd as that was, and with these three men, I didn’t feel safe at all. My anxiety increased as I did my best to make small talk with three of the most intimidating men I’d ever met. Dante wasn’t social, but he was secure and for some reason, I felt like I needed him that night. I kept thinking I would look up and he’d be there in the room, but he was nowhere to be found.

I reached for the merlot Gabriel handed me and was going to ask Lilly where Dante was when Sebastian took the words out of my mouth.

“Is your brother joining us?” he asked Gabriel as we made our way into the formal dining room.

I’d eaten plenty of meals at the Calegari home, but I don’t remember ever eating in that room before. Burgundy wallpaper and gold sconces cried out for an update. “Peter” pulled out a chair for me. I smiled, thanked him, and slunk into my chair.

Across from me, I saw Sebastian pull out a chair for Lilly. I was confused when she sat down and practically ignored him. No smile. No “thank you.” I made a mental note to ask her about it later. It wasn’t like her to be so rude, especially to a guest in her home.

From the head of the table, Gabriel shook his head. “I don’t believe he is. He may make an appearance later, but he’s a busy man.”

“A shame.” Peter said. “And your mother, Gabriel? I was looking forward to seeing her.”

Again, Gabriel shook his head. “She’s not feeling well. Perhaps, next time.”

I was immediately worried about Mrs. Calegari. She had seemed fine the night before and that morning at breakfast when she invited me to attend this nerve fest.

“Is your Mom all right, Lilly?” I asked.

Lilly brushed my concerns aside. “She’s fine. I think she overdid it last night.”

She started digging into the salad which had just been served by a staff that I didn’t know the Calegari’s employed. Another mystery for the night. Gabriel was out to impress these gentlemen, whoever they were. Mrs. Calegari’s absence, the staff, I’m assuming what was a catered meal... it all made me wonder just why I had been invited. I was sandwiched between Stefan and Peter. Both were attentive and gentlemanly, though they mostly spoke with Gabriel. The conversation revolved around politics. Who was best for the economy. Who took a stronger stance on crime and gun control. I had my opinions, but I kept them to myself. I made a comment here and there so people wouldn’t think I was rude, but truthfully, I just wanted out. It was awkward and I wasn’t the only one who felt it.

Lilly looked miserable, the opposite of the glittering hostess who had charmed the banquet room the night before. I kept an eye on her as we both stumbled our way through the painful conversations. Thankfully, the men ate quickly. Dessert and coffee were served. The second Gabriel finished his cheesecake, he asked his associates to join him in his study.

Lilly shoved her chair back, threw her napkin on her plate and tried to stand up. But she couldn’t. Sebastian blocked her path. I had never seen such a contemptuous, hateful look on Lilly’s face.

“Move...please,” she said through gritted teeth.

Sebastian grinned, grabbed the back of Lilly’s chair and put out his hand to help her stand up.

My mouth hung open when she stood to her feet and pushed his hand out of her way.

“Lilly!” Gabriel snapped.

We all stood there, staring. I had no idea what was happening.