She took the paper from me, her mouth gaping slightly as she read through it. “This is all for me? What about you? Aren’t we spending any time together today? I don’t understand.”
Fuck. She could never just accept anything at face value.
“I ordered us lunch. When we’re done eating, I have some work to do. You’re on your own until this evening.”
She started to open her mouth again, but I stopped her with mine. As soon as our lips met, she sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck. I couldn’t let it go on for long, but I enjoyed every second of the sweet taste of her, of making her push up against me with anticipation. I needed to build that, to keep her hungry. I left her mouth and nibbled my way down her neck.
“Soon,bambina. Just a little while longer. Humor me this afternoon, hmmm? Enjoy what I’ve arranged for you. Show me that respect.” I murmured against her cheek, squeezing her ass and pulling her up against my hard cock.
“Are you playing me, Dante?”
I stiffened. “What do you mean?”
“This. Me. You do... want me, don’t you?”
Her lack of confidence pissed me off. “Do you not feel how much I want you? Would you prefer I had just fucked you on my desk that first night and gone about my business?”
She hung her head with the shame that in my opinion, she deserved to feel. Her eyelids lowered; her cheeks reddened from what I perceived to be embarrassment.
The other man in me, the one who wanted her so desperately, kicked the man I am aside. I stroked her chin, urging her to look up at me. When she resisted, I gripped her chin and forced her eyes to mine.
“Apologize,bambina, and we’ll put this behind us so that we can enjoy my plans for the evening. If you don’t, I’ll assume that we’re finished.” Even that man wasn’t above threats and intimidation. She had to be reminded of who was in charge. I was responsible for making the decisions around her pleasure. She wasn’t allowed to try to influence my plans.
“What? No, that’s not what I want,” she quickly denied.
“Then tell me you’re sorry for insulting me.”
She gulped. I could feel her heart rate increase beneath my fingertips. She was afraid now, because she knew I meant what I said.
“My way,” I reminded her. “I say where. I say how. I saywhen. Now apologize.”
That I was even giving her another chance meant something to that man. He needed it. He neededher.Ineeded the feeling that coursed through my blood – the power, the control I had over her. I was delusional to think that I could be happy without it.
“I’m sorry,” Noemi whispered, just loud enough for me to hear her. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You’re forgiven.” I accepted her apology without hesitation.
Easy. He was too easy on her. But there was power in this exchange as well. With those two words, her head tilted further upward of her own volition. Her hands returned to their comforting grip around my neck.
Words. Yes, words mattered.