“Yes, I have more questions. You told me to pack. I did. But we’re leaving...tonight? To go where? I can’t just pick up and leave for... you said pack enough for two weeks! That’s a long time. I just got home. What –”
I shut her up by clamping my hand over her mouth and pushing her up against the door.
“Stop. Talking.”
Her eyes widened and she mumbled beneath my hand. I didn’t move it. “I’ll answer your questions when you’re quiet.”
She shook her head and I stood there with her breath hitting my palm. I felt the tension leave her body, but I didn’t remove my hand. I didn’t want any interruptions while I told her what little I was going to reveal about my plans.
“It’s a good thing you did what I said, or you wouldn’t have any clothes to wear tomorrow, because, yes, we’re leaving tonight. No, I won’t tell you where. It’s a... surprise. You don’t have a job or any responsibilities that can’t be managed remotely so,” I shrugged. “There’s no limitations.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. I’m not sure how I knew what she was worried about, but I knew.
“You can call Willis in a few days and tell him you’re going out of town for a week or two. Don’t worry. We’ll be back before Christmas. I don’t know what excuse you’ll give him. We’ll think of something then. Tell him not to bother coming to town. You’ll let him know when you’re back.”
Her brows furrowed.
“It’s not my fucking problem to handle your brother.”
She stomped her foot.
“Behave,” I warned her. “I’m not above spanking you, Noemi. Is it Lilly? Are you worried about what to tell her?”
She nodded quickly.
“I don’t care. Don’t tell her anything. It’s none of her damn business. But you can call her, too, when we get there if that will make you happy.”
She nodded quickly again.
“Anything else?” I looked down at her, loving the way her wide eyes stared up at me with apprehension and maybe, a little bit of fear. Fuck, I couldn’t touch this woman without getting aroused.
Pissed off about the fact, I removed my hand from her mouth.
“I don’t have warm weather clothes. Not here. I packed some jeans and tee shirts, but—”
“I’ll take care of it. Anything else?”
She looked confused for a minute. “No, no. I can’t think of anything right now.”
“Is that it?” I asked her when we reached her room and I saw a small carryon and a larger suitcase. “Did you pack any dresses?”
“Dresses? Well, I just have one. That black one from the dinner party the other night. I packed it.”
I frowned at her and made a mental note, preparing to call in another favor or two.
Noemi walked to her nightstand and pulled out a manilla envelope.
She faced me with a look of uncertainty. She was having second thoughts now that the time had come. “Okay.” She breathed out slowly. “I guess I’m ready.”
“Is everything locked? Your windows, garage?” I asked as we paused at the backdoor for her to get her purse and coat.
She nodded. “Yes, I’ll just lock the kitchen door when we leave.”
She stood before me and for the first time since I arrived, I took a moment to really look at her. Her eyes were glistening with anticipation. Her hands worked nervously as she fidgeted with the black gloves she’d pulled from her coat pockets.
“Give me your keys,” I ordered her.
She didn’t ask why but handed me the keys that dangled from a “Keep Calm and Love David Gandy” keychain. I quirked an eyebrow at her and she shrugged with a smile. I had something that would wipe that grin off her face. I slipped the keys into the pocket of my wool coat and pulled out a silk scarf. I dangled the black fabric in front of her. She eyed me wearily then slowly shook her head.