“You must want something very badly to brave coming to see me.”
That he knew how difficult this was for me disarmed me and bolded me at the same time. His attention encouraged me.
“Actually,” I leaned forward as well, “I have something that I need to get rid of and I’d like to give it to you.”
He raised a cocky eyebrow. “And what makes you think I’ll want it?”
So perverse. He didn’t even ask me what it was, just went straight to arguing against it.
“A kiss. That kiss we shared.” I forged ahead, taking my power to do some from his obvious interest in what I had to say.
“I don’t understand. You want me to kiss you again?”
His gaze lowered to my mouth and my lips parted at the suggestion that there could indeed be another kiss. And Idid notimagine his lips parting as well.
“Eventually, yes. I imagine that will be part of the bargain.”
His eyes narrowed at the word “bargain.” Dante sat back in his chair. The cool, calculated demeanor he was known for took over again.
“I’m not one for small talk,bambina. If there’s something you want –”
He presented me with the perfect opportunity, and I took it.
“There is,” I interrupted him. “You once told me that, if I ever needed anything, all I had to do was ask you for it.”
He nodded slowly. “Yes. I remember saying that to you. And I meant it.”
“You said,” I continued unnecessarily since he had just acknowledged that he remembered his words, “don’t ever be afraid to take what I need. Toaskfor what I want.”
He regarded me coolly for a moment. This time, the look in his eyes was more than I could handle. I tried to return his gaze for as long as I could hold it, but the seconds seemed like hours, and I had to look away. I couldn’t handle the intensity. I returned to fiddling with my fingers and glanced up at him from under my lashes.
He surprised me by getting up from his chair and walking around his massive desk to lean against it. I had no choice but to tilt my head up to look at him because looking straight forward meant staring into his crotch, which I probably did for a few seconds before I realized what I was doing.
“Since you are not in a position totakeanything from me, Noemi, what is it that you’ve come to ask me for?”
The first part of his words sounded like a warning, but the second, like an invitation, a sensual, sexy invitation. Like heknewwhat I was there for. But there was no possible way he could know this.
It was now or never.
I raised my head, stuck my chin up, and looked into his dark-as-sin eyes. “I want to ask you to take my virginity.”