Page 51 of His Last Gamble

And he was.

From the moment he entered her, Charmaine became lost in the sensation of him, deep inside, hot and powerful yet tender. She gasped and shuddered as her body rocked to the rhythm of his, accepting him, urging him on to greater, deeper thrusts, needing and wanting more, always more.

This time the tight, hard feeling was far more intense than before, so much so that she thought it would drive her out of her mind.

She was dimly aware that she was clinging to him, her fingernails scoring long angry red lines down his back. His face was taut with emotion and passion, and when he called out her name and shuddered atop her, she felt an answering climax wrack her own frame and suddenly she was soaring.

She soared for a long, long time, only slowly coming back down to earth.

Eventually she became aware of herself and her world again. The desk began to feel hard beneath her, his weight a warm, comforting crush that she never wanted to have removed.

Finally though, he pushed himself up, and looked wonderingly down at her, taking his weight on his straightening elbows and smiling the most heart-stopping smile she knew she would ever live to see.

His hair was dark and damp, his skin flushed with sweat. His eyes looked as deep as the ocean.

‘I love you,’ he said softly. ‘I’ve never said that to any woman, Charmaine, I promise you. I’ve never loved any other woman, and I never will. Trust me.’

And Charmaine felt her heart sing with pure happiness. ‘I believe you,’ she said, and did.

It was true. A woman just knew.

‘And I’ll never let you down. You will always be able to trust me,’ he urged.

And she understood exactly what he was saying. No more insane gambles. No more . . .

Suddenly she felt a cold hand clutch at her heart as an awful, overwhelming realisation suddenly hit her.

Yes, she could trust him.

But, once she’d told him about why she’d come to the island, and how cruelly she’d set out to deceive him, how brutally she’d intended to treat him . . .

How would he ever be able to trust her again?