"All right, I've got it. Are you listening, Rasmussen?"
He clicks his tongue irritably.
"I’malwayslistening, dear. Go on."
"The Nightshade clan is making a huge deal for weapons tomorrow night at midnight. I'll text the location." I paste the address into the text box and send it. "It's a big enough deal to get Fabien twenty years. More if we can convince a prosecutor to take RICO action against the family."
I hear the smile in Rasmussen's voice.
"It has perhaps gone too far for that, child. But you’ve done well. This meeting is exactly what we need. When it’s done, you may return home and consider your mission over."
"But what about the case? The evidence?"
"There will be no case, and no evidence. There’ll be notrial. Fabien Nightshade must die and that’s the end of it. You’ll ensure that Fabien himself will be there?"
"He'll be there. I don't care what I have to do, I just want out of here."
"Good girl. Your father will be very proud of you, I'm sure."
Actually, I'm pretty sure he'd be disappointed.
I hang up and look Fabien right in his burning eyes.
"That's it. The trap is set."
Fabien smiles, his tentacles wrapping themselves into a wide mustache and then untwining again.
"Good," his deep voice reverberates through the room.
It's almost midnight.
A light rain falls, setting off all kinds of alarms in me. Rain makes noise and makes it harder to see in the distance. Snipers have an easier time hiding. But they also have a harder time finding their target. Unless they're fully automatic, then it doesn't matter. Just someone shooting fish in a barrel.
A quick glance at Fabien.
He's calm and collected. Not that I expected anything less. More than anything, I want to curl up beside him and have him hold me. I want him to tell me he'll keep me safe the way he did on our wedding night. I've never felt safer than I did that night in his tentacles, his whole body wrapped around me like a blanket.
The other stuff we did was nice, too. Honestly, I could go for some of orgasm or six would sure take the edge off. But there isn't time.
A car hisses by on the wet streets. Overhead, powerlines snake through the air, almost knotted in on themselves. Saracibo Road is like that. So dense with old businesses, they strain the local power grid. I'm holed up in the doorway of a defunct Orc Take Out place. It actually makes me hungry.
Orc food looks gross, all fat wormy things that look like they could crawl off the plate. But it's so spicy and the flavors are so unique. The people at my old unit used to make fun of me. "Orc breath," they called me. God, those were the days.
"How are you holding up?"
I nearly jump out of my skin.
"How do you get so close without making any noise? Seriously? You're like eight feet tall and made of tentacles and teeth and spines. Youshouldmake noise."
"You ever heard an octopus?"
"No, but..."