"What are you going to do to me?"
"Do? I’m going to read your future. I’ve been contracted to serve your family, to give them power, to protect their interests. In return, I’m paid in the only currency I require."
His gaze is so powerful and unbreaking, it unsettles me. I don't want to ask, but I'm too curious. I have to.Why am I so curious?
"W-what do they pay you?"
"They pay me in futures. The futures of the children they would’ve had, but no longer do. From time to time, I allow a child to be born, to continue the chain. But not many. This is the price of power of the royal Nightshade family. Their princes and princesses exist only in me, where I’ve swallowed them whole and devoured their very existence."
Something in me flares with anger. How can he do that? It's...monstrous. Terrifying.
"You can't have my children," I tell him.
"No. I don't care about powers and I don't care about your deals. My children are mine, and I'll have as many or as few as I want. It's between me and my..."
The mountain god's smile spreads slowly, showing me his huge, creepy, human teeth. Talk about Chiclets. They're the size of softballs.
"Between you and your husband? You mean the husband-to-be? Fabien Nightshade, the monster prince of nightmares? Yes. I know him well. I nearly devoured his future. And it would’ve beensweet. But I let him pass, because he was needed. A terrifying power, for a time when his family would be the most at risk."
A chill rides down my spine. At risk from what? From me? Or is it another crime family? Surely their greatest risk is the federal agent in their midst.
"Are you sure you don't want to trade me?" he asks. "There’s so much I can do for you. I can help you avoid your fate. A woman who lives two lives is rare. And your other life, Mia Zedona, has already been cut loose. But the flames that devoured you aren’t done. You’ll burn again. And there’ll be no more lives for you to live."
Oh, god. Is he saying I'm going to die like Mia did? Burned beyond recognition? Half my body gone? But Ican'tmake a deal with him. Not for the lives of my children. I don't know when or if I'll evenhavekids, but I've always known I want to someday.
I just...didn't know when I'd find the time to be a mom and a special agent. When I chose my career, I knew finding a husband might be hard, and having kids? Maybe it just wouldn't be in the cards for me.
But it's going to be my choice when it does happen.
"No deal. I'll take what comes."
His grin widens.
"Brave. I admire it. But you're wasting your time. You won’t birth a child before you burn. You'll be lit like a candle long before the seed takes root."
"You know what? Screw you. You don't know everything! You're just a...a dumb cave sloth monkey thing! If you really could see the future, you'd have...I don't know, bought Google stocks in 1999 or something. You definitely wouldn't be living in a cave with a bunch of bats. You--"
The power of his scream sends me tumbling backwards as the wind of his voice knocks me down. I lay on my back on the cool stones, grimacing a little at the pain in my butt where I landed. A gross sort of...humidityis on me. Like dad breath, but times a thousand.
"I’ve never been so insulted. Degraded by some...monkey with delusions of grandeur. I’d kill you, but I already know your true death will be painful enough. Enjoy your fate, Lily Townsend."
I hear the scraping of his claws, and feel the earth tremble as his massive bulk slides away.
I sit up and see the mountain god still slothing his way back to the inner caverns. I pick up a small stone and toss it at his butt. It lands with an audible thump.
The mountain god freezes.
"I'm sorry," I tell him.
His laugh echoes deep into the mountain.
"Do you intend to beg now?" he growls at me.