Page 43 of The Bounty

Before I kidnapped her, but she’s kind enough not to mention it.

“Tell me more.” I’ll keep her talking forever, if she would just stay in this room with me, her beautiful face intense with emotion.

“Last time I was there, it was picked through mostly, except for the safes where they kept Omega suppressants.”

“I see.”

“So, can you open a safe?”

I pull her closer to me, and she allows it. Our feet dangle off the bed and our thighs practically touch.

“You should know by now I can do anything, sweetheart.”

“Alright,” she breathes. “So then, I just need a ride, and we’ll go in—”

I frown. “Oh, no. You’re not going. I’ll do this myself.”

She doesn’t like that answer, and her pissed off face is back.

“No. I’mabsolutelygoing with you.” She insists, trying to move away from me. I hold her hand in an iron grip as she glares at me.

“So, you can run away as soon as I give them to you? I don’t think so. Also, you still have a limp, remember? If something happens, you won’t be able to get away.”

I’m right, but she doesn’t seem to care. “I’m not a child,” she says slowly, her voice low. “Killian—”

“Fuck, I love when you say my name like that.”

“Augh!” She yells, throwing her hands up in frustration. “I’m going to go with you. I have to get out of this house, at least for a little while. I need to dosomething.”

“Breaking and entering isn’t justsomething, Olive. You need to know what you’re doing.”

Her mouth falls open, insulted. “Ididknow what I was doing before you snatched me up! I was breaking and entering for weeks! And,” she continues, “How would I run away from you with a bad foot? You’d catch me before I even made it across the street.”

I shake my head, unconvinced. The spicy scent of her frustration is lovely against my senses as she sighs.

“Look,” she adds, staring at our joined hands. “Before all of this, I could take care of myself. I had a high-paying job, an apartment, and a car, all paid for with my own money. I’m not used to people justgivingme things, like clothes.”

I wait for her to continue, watching her delicate features scrunch in frustration.

“Please, let me do something for myself,” she says finally. “I won’t run. You have my word. And, you haven’t known me that long, but my word is good. It always is.”

It’s impossible to saynoto her when she looks at me with those earnest eyes.

Theremaybe a way to make this work.

But she doesn’t know that, and I keep my poker face plastered on my face as I regard her.

I keep her in suspense, just long enough that she fidgets.

“I’ll let you go with me,” I say. “On one condition.”

Her eyes snap up to me, filled with beautiful hope.

“What?” She asks eagerly.

She’stooeager, which means I’ll get exactly what I want.

“Kiss me.”