“Where was Alicia in the process? Was she already entertaining offers?” Amanda asked.

“She was in talks with Eve Kelley, the owner of Pixie Winks. No idea why she even gave that woman the time of day.”

“Why is that?”

“Eve claimed that Alicia stole the formula for Reborn from her in college.”

This was the second time hearing about that serum, but the first hearing about the allegation.

Tony smiled, though the expression was small and fleeting. “You’ve never been a girlie-girl. Admired that about you.”

She wasn’t sure how to react to that—roll with it as a compliment or take some offense. She suddenly had the urge to look at herself in the mirror. At least she put on foundation and smeared on lipstick most days. “Thanks… I guess?”

“Reborn is a restorative night serum. It’s where New Belle got its start. Investors took notice and gave Alicia the seed money she needed to get things rolling.”

“Yes, I know what Reborn is.” Her pride wouldn’t admit she’d had no clue before Harold Armstrong had mentioned it. “If there was this history between the two women, why was Alicia considering selling New Belle to Eve?”

“You’d have to know my wife to even somewhat understand. She never let the money go to her head, but she treated everyone kindly. Even Eve, despite her lies.”

Amanda wasn’t going to say it out loud, but to her, it sounded like Alicia may have been living with a guilty conscience.

Tony continued. “You know Alicia memorized every one of her employees’ names from the head office in Woodbridge? Think we’re up to twelve hundred now.”

That was impressive, though almost unbelievable. “She knew all of them?”

“She did. She also opened her door to every new hire to meet with her for an hour during their first month. She operated on the motto that employees should believe not only in the product but the person behind it too.”

“It sounds like she was an amazing woman.” Amanda was conflicted, and the whole Eve allegation was gnawing away at her. Could Eve finally have had enough and killed Alicia? But what would be the motive when she was close to obtaining New Belle? That is, unless things had changed.

“Mandy, she was. You would have loved her. As for Eve, Alicia wanted to make things good between them. That’s why she was giving Eve the opportunity to make the first and final offers.”


“Eve extended an offer, and while Alicia would gather others, before she made a decision, she was going to return to Eve to see if she could match the offer.”

Huh.That seemed to wipe out motive for Eve. Again, unless things had changed. But it certainly sounded like a confession of guilt on Alicia’s behalf. And depending on how much interest was drummed up, the purchase price could have climbed to a point that wasn’t affordable for Pixie Winks. “Did Alicia have other offers?”

“Think she did. I’d have to dig into that and let you know.”

“She squeezed you out of this process?” Amanda asked.

“It was her business.”

“That didn’t bother you at all?” Trent’s voice sounded skeptical.

“Why would it?”

“You changed careers for her, and then a few months down the road, she’s ready to disregard that? That didn’t bug you in the least?” Trent was being antagonistic—far more than Amanda deemed necessary.

“She wanted to spend more time with Leo. How is that a bad thing? And look around. I have no need to work, whether she kept the business or sold it.”

Amanda could breathe a little easier with those words. It could clear Tony of financial motivation—that is, unless he was unhappy in their relationship. And what if Alicia had wanted out of the marriage? She was stretching things here, but it was something to consider. Could Tony have been left with nothing? Frustration knotted in her chest. Any relief disappeared. But Tony wasn’t the only one whose world and existence was affected by Alicia’s decisions. How disappointed would Harold Armstrong be about the sale of New Belle? Enough to kill Alicia if he had known, possibly in the hopes of preventing the sale from happening? “What are your thoughts about Mr. Armstrong? Let’s revisit how you think he’d have reacted if he knew about Alicia’s plan to sell.”

“He’s been with her from the beginning. He’s a good guy.”

“And financially, how would he make out if Alicia sold?” Amanda was thinking Harold was older and recreating himself at that point in his life wouldn’t be easy.

“She’d have made sure he was taken care of. Besides, he’s old enough to retire. He should have a beautiful nest egg set aside ready to pull from.”

Though not everyone was wise with their money, and Harold could have built up debts. “Forward whatever you find on other bidders as soon as you can.”

“Will do.”

“We’d also like your approval to access her computer and phone records,” she said.

Tony’s face hardened. “I feel the need to protect her privacy. For now. I mean, you don’t even know for certain that someone…”

“No, we don’t. But a look at her correspondence could help with that determination.”

“I’m sorry. I want to help in whatever way I can, but I have to draw the line somewhere.”

She’d asked him out of respect for their previous friendship, but they probably had enough to get a subpoena approved for her electronic devices. She didn’t care for the wall he’d erected. “We’ll get a judge involved, then. We’ll also petition for her financials.”

“Do whatever you have to.”

“We will,” Trent said firmly, stepping in.

She was steaming at Trent’s interjection. She didn’t need him adding any more weight to what she’d already said. “We should go, but if we could get that copy of the will…”

“I’ll go get it now.” Tony went upstairs, and while they waited, Amanda couldn’t even look at Trent.

A few minutes later, Amanda and Trent were back in the car, a copy of Alicia’s will in hand. She clicked her seat belt into place and faced him in the driver’s seat. “What was up with you in there?”

“Up with me? You can’t be serious?”

She hadn’t expected him to snap back, and it took her off guard. “You overstepped. He just lost his wife, and you had no reason to show such aggression.”

“Someone had to do it.”

“Argh.” She used to find herself respecting Trent when he showed his temper, even found it attractive. When it was aimed at her… not so attractive. “You don’t speak on my behalf. Do I have to remind you that I’m the senior detective?”

“Apparently you feel the need to.”

“Just drive us back to Central.” She glanced at the clock on the dash. 2:30 PM. Too bad it wasn’t closer to five, and she could head home.

“He calls you Mandy.”

She nudged out her chin. “What about it?”

“You are the detective investigating his wife’s death. There has to be a line.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” She pushed her butt into the seat and faced forward. Through her peripheral vision, she could see him watching her, but she couldn’t face him right now. As much as there were times having Trent as a partner was a blessing, she was starting to revert to her previous thinking. Partners got in the way of getting the job done.