Amanda had driven past the New Belle factory many times but never had reason to go in until now. It took up a decent chunk of real estate with a large parking lot. Spots near the front doors were marked for visitors and assorted staff. Alicia Gordon’s spot was in the prime location with a space for Tony next to it. Both of their areas were empty. The one beside Tony’s was assigned to Harold Armstrong, and a silver Dodge Ram occupied it.

The receptionist told Amanda and Trent that Harold Armstrong was on the premises but on a conference call. “He shouldn’t be too much longer,” the twentysomething added. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

“Thanks.” Amanda took in the lobby. The area was outfitted to market New Belle products, taking advantage of anyone passing through. Posters were on the wall, and a six-foot-tall cardboard ad was freestanding near the counter and advertised Abandon perfume—the fragrance in the marketing materials Alicia had at the cabin. This time, Amanda paid more attention to the slogan. Dare to live the life you deserve. Cliché yet powerful. Modern. Edgy.

A woman with supermodel looks came through the front door. She flashed a winning smile to anyone who glanced in her direction and walked to reception with an emphasized sway to her hips.

“I have an appointment with Tony Bishop,” she said to the woman there.

Amanda studied the model. There was something familiar about her, but Amanda couldn’t quite place why. And whatever business this woman had with Tony was none of Amanda’s concern. Then again, his wife had just died. Was the relationship between Tony and this woman professional or personal? Did it have any bearing on the investigation?

“Detectives?” An overweight man, in his late sixties and with a balding head approached them. He carried himself tall, shoulders squared with confidence, but there was something in his eyes that undermined him.

She gave the introductions and said, “Harold Armstrong?”

“That would be me. How can I help?”

Does he not know Alicia is dead?“We need to speak with you about Alicia Gordon.”

His face pinched. “I was afraid you might say that. This way.”

She and Trent followed Harold to his office. The nameplate on the door announced him as distribution director. Huge space. Big enough to be a conference room, and it had a meeting table and eight chairs.

“Sit wherever you’d like. Would either of you like water, coffee, tea?”

She declined, and so did Trent. Harold helped himself to a glass of water from a pitcher on the credenza. Then he joined them at the table where they’d already seated themselves.

“I assume by now you’ve heard that Alicia Gordon was found dead yesterday afternoon,” Amanda began.

Harold took a long drink of his water and set his glass on the table. He nodded and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Do you know what happened to her yet?” Wrinkles lined his brow, and the corners of his mouth tugged downward. “Tony said you didn’t know…”

“We don’t. Yet. But we’re working on getting answers,” she said.

“I honestly can’t believe it. She was healthy, you know. She worked out and ate right. This makes no sense.”

“Everyone knows death is a fact of life, but it rarely makes sense, Mr. Armstrong,” Amanda pointed out.

“Suppose you’re right, but this time it really doesn’t. So young.” Harold rubbed the top of his head, buffing it to a shine.

“We understand that you recommended the cabin in Gainesville to her,” Trent said. “Is that correct?”

“That’s right.” His voice had become tight, his eyes narrowed, and his posture stiffened. “She said she needed to get away for a few days, and she didn’t want to go too far from home.”

“Do you know why she was looking to get away?” It never hurt to verify stories. Amanda held her breath, waiting for Harold’s response, hoping he’d confirm what Tony had said.

“Not really sure, to be honest with you. She lives at a resort. I assume you saw the place?”

All Amanda could do was nod. Just because Harold didn’t know Alicia’s reason didn’t mean Tony had lied. Harold might not even know Alicia had been planning to sell the business, but Amanda would get to that. “Do you know what’s going to happen to the business now?”

“I suspect everything will go to Tony.”

Trent leaned forward. “Why is that?”

Harold tucked his chin in, and his brow pressed down. “He is her husband, and those two were nearly inseparable.”

“They had a strong marriage, then?” Amanda asked.

“Yes. As far as I could tell. Though you never know what happens behind closed doors.”

Her parents’ marriage sprang to mind. “I overheard a woman at reception asking for Tony and saw his parking space. I assume he works here?”

“Absolutely. He started here the week after they got married.” He angled his head. “You didn’t know that?”

“Is he in the accounting department? Or does he manage it?” Amanda went with what was logical given Tony’s career background.

“I heard that’s what he was doing before, but no, not here. Alicia had him enroll in marketing courses. He oversaw our marketing department.”

Tony had loved his work as an accountant. It would have taken a lot for him to change professions. “And you’re in distribution. Do the two of you work closely together?” She could imagine that the two departments would need to consult at times. For instance, an advertising approach in one demographic or region may not work in another.

“Ah, yes and no. I’m more about expansion, opening new locations around the United States and even globally. Tony oversaw the models and ad layouts. He seemed to enjoy the work.”

What hot-blooded American male wouldn’t?she thought, hating the stereotypical judgment. But now she knew why the woman in the lobby had looked familiar. She’d been in the ad layouts at the cabin. The model and Tony could have had something business-related to discuss. Though Amanda was pretty sure a person in marketing wouldn’t need to speak directly to a model—not unless they were on the set of a photoshoot. But if there was an affair going on, why would she come to his work? The questions had Amanda wondering if Tony had strayed from his marriage. Had it been rocky, despite his claims otherwise? The nuptials had certainly happened fast enough. And Tony had told them Claudia had been unfaithful, but was that the true story? If Alicia’s death turned out to be murder, Amanda would need to pry into every nook and cranny of her former friend’s life. For now, though, she’d return focus to the deceased. “How was Alicia recently? Was she anxious or depressed, for example?”

“Not at all.”

“Was her getting away for a few days normal for her?” This thought had just occurred to her. The urge to hole up somewhere may indicate a change in behavior and possibly suggest she rented the cabin to kill herself.

“Not really. I don’t think she knows—knew—how to relax.”