Amanda swiped at a tear that hit her cheek and looked into her mother’s wide, wet eyes. “Tell me everything,” Amanda said. “What exactly happened? Where was he?”

“From what we can tell, he was driving home and lost control of his car.”

Amanda’s stomach tightened at the thought of a car accident. She knew firsthand just how deadly they could be. “You said he passed out.” She was grasping for logic and reason, but she couldn’t find purchase.

“He did, honey. That’s what doctors believed caused the accident.”

“Was anyone else involved?”

Her mother shook her head. “Thankfully not. He drove through someone’s yard and hit their gazebo. The air bag deployed, and he’s banged up and bruised, but thankfully he survived the wreck.” Her mother went solemn, then added, “His car may be written off.”

“Vehicles can be replaced.” What her mother was telling her didn’t sound so horrible, not the life-or-death prospect that Amanda had in mind. But there was a knot in her gut. “There’s more, though. There has to be. What caused him to pass out?”

“You’re trembling, sweetheart.” Her mother put her hands on Amanda’s arms.

“Please, Mom. Is he going to be okay?” She could barely get the question to form, not wanting to consider for an instant that Malone wouldn’t be.

Her mother’s chin quivered. “It’s too soon to know. All we can do is pray and wait.”

Amanda hated that answer. Waiting around was not her strong suit. “So they have no idea why he passed out?”

“Not yet. Once he regains consciousness, doctors will conduct tests to figure that out.”

“He… he hasn’t…” She rubbed her throat, her voice and sense of reason vacating.

“Stay positive, Mandy,” her mother stressed. “The doctors believe he will wake up.”

“But they can’t know for sure.”

“No one can predict the future. We must assume all will be well. You hear me?” Her mother met her eyes. “We must. Now, walk with me. Your father needs you, and so does Ida.”

Amanda wiped away more tears that fell. But she wanted to be strong for her father, Ida, and the entire Malone family. Amanda wondered where the second son was, but he was probably on his way. Both sons lived in Washington, about an hour from Manassas.

Her steps were heavy as she returned to the waiting area. She observed that Trent had made himself comfortable and appeared to be one of the family. Amanda went to Ida and gave her a huge hug and spoke assurances she had no right to promise and feared putting faith in herself.

“Thank you for coming, Amanda. It means a lot to me,” Ida told her.

“Nowhere else I would be right now.” And with that, she thought of Zoe. It was probably best that the girl was with Libby tonight.

“Means a lot to all of us.” Paul hugged Amanda.

“Long time no see,” she said, aiming for some lightness.

“It has been. Just wish it was under better circumstances.”

Amanda touched his arm and asked after his family—Paul had a wife and two children—and he said they were fine and at home. His wife would get there as soon as she found a babysitter. Paul added that his brother, Sam, was on his way and should be there any minute.

Sam, unlike his brother, was single and seemed happy that way, from what Amanda knew.

Amanda went over and hugged her dad, possibly a little tighter than normal. It was hard to comprehend how she’d pulled herself away from her family after losing Kevin and Lindsey. But for the longest time being around her parents and siblings had just seemed to burrow the pain even deeper. She regretted her choice. After all, who knew how long any of them had? “Love you, Dad.”

His response was to pull her in tighter, as if he couldn’t find the strength to speak. It just confirmed how shaken her father, the rock of the family, was.

In this moment, any hurt she felt about her father’s dalliance with CSI Blair was forgotten and forgiven. She continued to remain by his side as the group awaited word on Malone.

Time had never moved so slowly.