The therapy went about as well as could be expected, possibly better. Zoe had opened up to the doctor, and she was in a better mood when she left. It broke Amanda’s heart that she had to leave the girl again, but Zoe seemed to understand. That didn’t mean it hurt Amanda any less to drop her at Libby’s and turn in the direction of Central.

Trent was holed up behind his desk, and based on his expression, Amanda didn’t think he had good news to share. The shake of his head confirmed it. He followed her into her cubicle.

“I sent a note to the lab to forward Eve Kelley’s computer to Detective Briggs in Digital Crimes. I also took a look at Alicia’s laptop, and there weren’t any of the printed threats on it. But I called and had Harold Armstrong forward the emails on Alicia’s computer in the office to me. In turn, I forwarded the messages to Briggs.”

“Okay, great job.”

“Let’s just hope he can track the emails and find where they were sent from.”

“Did you watch the Caffeine Café video again for the times the threats were emailed?”

He bobbed his head. “I did. But nothing.”

“All right. Well, whoever this is—and assuming the threats we’re looking at all originated from one person—they are doing their best to cover their tracks. They didn’t want to take the chance that if the emails attracted police attention, the messages could be traced to their home by IP address. They were also careful about keeping their face off camera.”

“Not entirely sure how brilliant this person is, though. If they were really smart, they’d have used a VPN or something to completely hide their IP address.”

“Well, look at you.” She smiled at him.

“I know some things. It also helps when your older sister is a bit of a computer nerd.”

He’d mentioned he had sisters before. Mostly he talked about the one younger than him, but she didn’t know much about the rest of his family. To ask would make their partnership even more personal, though, and she needed to steer away from that.

Trent went on. “But I don’t think we should ignore that the threat to Lopez was sent from Caffeine Café—a place Eve Kelley frequented. Maybe the others were sent from places where Alicia Gordon or the bidders made a habit of going.”

“Could be, but what a shot in the dark.”

“They’ve been known to pay off. Anyway, if there’s something to find, Briggs will uncover it.”

Amanda shared Trent’s faith in the digital crimes detective. “You brought up the possibility that the killer may have had a personal interest or relationship with Alicia and/or Eve. But I want to stay focused on the business angle. I feel it’s likely the strongest link between the two women.”

“So, as we’ve been thinking, the killer is probably someone who has something at stake when it comes to the sale—or purchase—of New Belle.”

“Exactly. And we need to remember whoever this person is would also need access to pentobarbital.”

“Have you heard any more from Bethany about the missing inventory?”

“Nope, but it’s past time we follow up.” She rushed to leave her cubicle, and her cell phone rang. She raised her eyebrows at Trent, curious if it just so happened to be Bethany Wagner calling with answers, but it wasn’t. It was her mother. She didn’t have time for personal matters right now—not when two women were dead and other people’s lives were threatened. She sent her mother to voicemail. “Let’s go,” she said to Trent, and they hustled down the hall to the lot, got into the department car, and headed for Paws & Claws. They’d check there first, and if the place was already closed for the day, they’d go to the Wagner house.

Her phone rang again, and she checked the screen, cursed under her breath. She answered with, “Mom, I don’t have time to talk right—”

“Scott Malone is in the hospital, Amanda,” her mother cut in.

“He’s… he’s what?”

Trent looked over at her.

Her mother continued. “He passed out, and the doctors aren’t sure why. He hasn’t regained consciousness yet. You have to get here. Now.”

“Yeah, yes, of course.” Amanda gestured with flailing fingers and directed Trent. “Take us to Prince William Medical Center.”

He turned the car in the direction of Manassas where the hospital was located.

“We’re on our way. Should be there in half an hour or less.”

“Come to the ICU.”

Intensive Care Unit. The words rang in her mind and made her feel like vomiting. Amanda ended the call and held her phone, staring out the window. This can’t be happening.

“Amanda…?” Trent prompted her.

She licked her lips and had this dreadful feeling whirling through her belly. Passed out… hasn’t regained consciousness… “It’s Malone. Something’s happened to him.”

“Do we know what?”

“Not exactly. Just that he passed out and was rushed to the hospital. That’s all I kn-ow.” Emotion cracked her voice. She was shaking. Nothing could happen to Malone. Not now, not ever. He was like a second father to her.

“I’ll get us there as quickly as I can.”

The car shot forward. Colors in various shades outside her window, blurred. She was numb. In shock. Sickened. How unfair that life could take such violent twists and turns.

Come on, Malone. You have to be okay.

Amanda spotted her mother, Jules Steele, in the busy waiting room. She was there with Amanda’s dad and Ida, Scott Malone’s wife, and Paul, the Malones’ youngest son—two families that were really one. Others within the police department must not have heard the news yet or the hospital would be overflowing with the brothers in blue.

Her mother swept Amanda into a bear hug and then corralled her down a side hall.