
To Amanda, it seemed so clear. Eve Kelley had been injected with pentobarbital when out of sight of the cameras, by an unidentified person headed in the opposite direction. The timing was right. 8:55 AM. The person must have pulled it off without even alerting Eve, as she hadn’t reacted beyond rubbing her arm. “Is that person an employee here? Do you recognize them at all? Their stature, the way they walk…?”

Mitch scratched his head and blew out a breath. “It’s hard to say.”

“To be in that area, do people need to sign in or have clearance?” Trent asked.

The security guard blanched. “It’s probably one of the weakest areas for security. It’s where our shipping and receiving offices are. Couriers are in and out all day.”

She’d think that would make it more imperative to up the security measures. After all, it didn’t even seem like there was much distance between there and the lab. “We’re going to need a copy of the footage we just watched. Can you stitch it all together in one video?”

“Of course.”

“Also, trace that person’s steps, please. If you get any shot of their face, we’ll want it. We’ll be back in a few minutes to see how you made out.”

She and Trent returned to the front desk and requested a meeting with the shipping and receiving manager. She was determined to get to the bottom of what had happened to Eve Kelley, even if she had to speak with every employee in this building.