“We do.”

Finally, a possible break! “We’ll need to take a look at the footage from yesterday morning, from the time Ms. Kelley arrived at the office until we did.”

“Sure. Just need a warrant for that.”

“We’re trying to find out who killed your boss. I’d have thought you’d be a little more cooperative. No?” Amanda angled her head. “I mean we can get a warrant, but that takes time. We might be more inclined to have a closer look at you and others within this company too.”

Bob stiffened and jutted out his chin. “I can assure you that no one here killed Eve. What reason would anyone have?”

“A moment ago, you made a point to mention the number of enemies she’d built up. I’d assume some of them would be from right inside Pixie Winks.” Amanda watched as her words sank in.

“Fine. I’ll make the video accessible to you immediately.”

The absence of a denial was unsettling. Nonetheless, Amanda said, “The PWCPD appreciates your kind cooperation in a murder investigation.” She mentioned the department name and the word murder to stamp home just how urgent the matter was.

“Come with me, and I’ll take you to the security office now.”

“Lead the way.” Amanda waited for Bob to heave himself out of his chair, and she and Trent followed.