Again, his delivery was so dry, distant, disingenuous. “How did you come to know Alicia Gordon?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Rocco smiled. “Everyone knows who she is, or was,rather. She was a beacon in our community and someone for young girls to look up to.”

Amanda bit her tongue. She couldn’t give any thought to this man being involved in the exploitation of children or she’d punch him in the face—and might not stop with one blow. She had to remind herself that maybe the gossip had it wrong. She also had to keep in mind that Rocco could be a killer just as well as another potential victim. Until they knew precisely what was motivating the killer, they had to consider both aspects. “And what was your relationship like with her?”

“We got along well. We met at an entrepreneur brunch last year. It was to raise money for charity.”

“And the charity?” she asked, just a quick test to gauge his reliability.

“Children Fighting Cancer.”

Sincere, no hesitation. Likely telling the truth.

Rocco added, “It gives children with terminal diagnoses the opportunity to travel or do something they’ve always wished for.”

Amanda didn’t know if this man was involved in the disgusting business in which the congressman had dirtied his hands, but she sure as hell hoped not. If he was, the hypocrisy—helping children on one hand while hurting them gravely on the other—was too much to swallow.

“What were your thoughts on her company, New Belle?” Trent asked.

Rocco leveled his gaze at him, a smile slowly leeching its way across his face. “I’m sure we can stop beating around the bush now, can’t we? You’re here because you found out that I put in an offer on her company. Why exactly you’re interested in me because of that, I’m not sure.”

“We’re just following leads in the investigation,” Amanda said. She wasn’t going to reveal Eve Kelley’s death yet or that they were trying to figure out if he was their suspect or a potential future victim.

“All right.” He squinted. “Still not sure how you were led to me.”

She couldn’t hold back anymore. “You have quite a reputation online, Mr. Lopez.”

Rocco met her gaze. “As do you, Detective.”

“Oh, yeah? How’s that?”

“You brought down the congressman and that sex-trafficking ring.”

“With help.” Amanda passed a side-glance at Trent.

“Well, I shouldn’t need to tell you, but the media blows everything out of proportion. Davis could be anyone’s kryptonite. One single picture of me with him, captured at an event and out of context, and my reputation… well, it hasn’t quite recovered.”

Maybe that explained the state of the premises? Business had suffered as a result of the presumed affiliation. Though presumably he had enough money to afford New Belle.

Rocco tugged down on his suit jacket. “I assure you I was not, nor would I ever be, a friend or compatriot of Davis. What he did makes me sick.” His complexion paled in support of his claim.

Amanda believed him, but it didn’t leave him off the hook for tampering with Alicia’s sleep meds or being involved in Eve’s death. “When did you last see Alicia Gordon?”

“I went to see her at the New Belle offices two weeks ago now.”

“So the week before she died,” Trent chimed in.

“Guess that would be right.”

“And the purpose of your visit?” Amanda inched forward on her chair, which certainly wasn’t made for comfort.

“The offer on New Belle.”

Amanda was putting together the image in her mind of Rocco’s offer coming in just before Alicia had gone to the cabin to “think.” Maybe it was because she was agonized by the enormity and surmised that she could end up breaking her word to Eve Kelley. “What did Ms. Gordon think of your offer?”

“She had a good poker face, but I could tell she was quite pleased with the number of zeroes on the table. Honestly, I’d expected to hear from her to say the deal would be going ahead.”

So he says…But maybe he found out about Alicia’s arrangement with Eve. “Did she say something to make you think that?”

“No, but it was in her mannerisms and body language. I’ve been around long enough to know when I’ve acquired a business or if it’s going to fall through. Thing is, I’m not the type of person to take no for an answer, Detective.”

“What do you do when someone tells you no?” Trent asked.

“I change their mind. I make them see sense.”

Hairs rose on her neck. Rocco might not be a sexual predator, but how far would he go to get what he wanted? “How is that exactly?”

“Nothing like what your face is telling me you’re thinking. I just help people see how they would benefit from letting me acquire their business. Talk them back to my side.”

“And what do you do with these businesses you acquire, Mr. Lopez?” Amanda wasn’t fooled for one second by the man in front of her; he was a cold-hearted businessman out to benefit himself alone.

“I expand them, take them global, turn good profits, and then dump them on the market. I end up making a killing on the resale.”

“And you do this for failing companies in any industry?” she asked.

“Many, yes. Obviously, I only pursue ones I’m quite sure I can help.”