“I do.”

“We’ll need them from you. It could be very important to the investigation. We also spoke with Eve Kelley.”

Tony rolled his eyes. “What’s she saying now?”

“The bidding was to be silent, the identities were to be kept anonymous, but we need to determine if they stayed that way.”

“You’re thinking one of them might have taken Alicia out. But why?”

“We’re still sorting out all the pieces. Did you know the bidding was to be silent?”

Tony shook his head. “I think you might do well to look closer at Eve Kelley.”

“You didn’t seem to think that when we spoke before.”

“She was bitter about what Alicia had done to her.”

Amanda could admit that Eve still seemed to carry a lot of angry energy about the subject. But she couldn’t ignore the fact that Eve had also received threats, some Amanda felt could be in relation to her offer on New Belle. She didn’t want to reveal her entire hand to Tony, though. “If we could just get the names of the companies who submitted offers.”

“I’ll get them to you.”

“Before we leave.” She had to lay down the deadline or Trent would.

“Fine. Is that all, then?”

“No. We need to know everyone who could have had access to your wife’s sleeping aid,” Amanda said.

“Everyone in this house, but it’s not like the kids are going to kill their own mother.”

It happened, but Amanda wasn’t going there until there was cause. “Anyone else? Do you have other people in the house?”

“No. Well, not anyone who would get into the primary suite and her bottle of Sleep Tight.”

“What about housecleaners?” Trent asked.

“Sure, I guess.”

“We’ll need their names.”


Amanda wasn’t relishing the direction the conversation now had to take. Since poisoning was involved, they had to expand their view to include people in Alicia’s personal orbit who might have motive. They’d touched a bit on it on a previous visit, but it was time to circle back. “How were Alicia’s relationships with her exes?”

“Fine. Leo’s dad comes around. He shares custody with Alicia, and obviously he helped raise Brad too.”

“And the relationship between him and Alicia?”


“And Brad’s father?” Trent interjected.

“Not a part of Alicia’s life. He just keeps in contact with Brad.”

They’d burned through Alicia’s side, leaving Tony’s ex. “How did Claudia handle your divorce and remarriage?”

“Claudia? Wow, I didn’t expect her name to come up again.”

“Just answer, please.” Claudia could have gained access to Alicia’s sleeping aid, motivated because she wanted Tony back. It may be a stretch, but it was a possibility.

Tony’s eyes darkened. “She’s miserable. The guy she left me for broke it off with her.”

Maybe not a big stretch… “It must have been hard for Claudia to see how happy you were with Alicia.”

“Perhaps, but not enough for her to kill Alicia if that’s what you’re driving at.”

Trent glanced at Amanda and proceeded to ask Tony, “Has Claudia reached out to you since Alicia’s death?”

“Sure. She offered her condolences, even brought over a casserole. I tried to eat it, but ended up throwing it out.” He winced. “Like me, cooking isn’t her strong suit.”

“When did she come by?” Amanda asked.


After it had hit the news… If Claudia had been involved with Alicia’s death, then she was at least smart enough to wait on the media before coming forward with her sympathies. Was she trying to get Tony back now that Alicia was out of the way, or had Claudia’s intentions been pure? And the tougher question, had Claudia poisoned Alicia? To do that, she’d need access to the bottle of Sleep Tight. “Has Claudia ever been here besides yesterday?”

“Ah, yeah.”

She raised her eyebrows. “You say that like there’s something we should already know?”

“Alicia hired Claudia to come up with designs for packaging and rebranding.”

It took a few moments for Amanda to remember what Claudia did for work. “She’s still an artist?”

“She is.”

Amanda was letting what Tony told her sink in. His new wife had employed his old one. That must have made for an awkward arrangement. “So she came over to the house sometimes?”


“When before yesterday?”

“Uh…” Tony’s forehead compressed like trying to recall was a difficult task—either that or he was formulating a response. “Think she was here Sunday…? Yeah, that’s it. She had an epiphany and wanted to share a rough mock-up with Alicia, said it couldn’t wait for work hours.”

Amanda’s insides were fluttering—and not in a good way that spoke of excitement but rather dread. “So this past weekend?”


“Could she have gotten to Alicia’s sleeping aid?” Amanda asked.

Tony leveled his gaze at her. “You don’t seriously think she had anything to do with Alicia’s…”

Amanda hoped she didn’t. “Just answer the question please.”

“Seriously, you’d be fishing in the wrong pond. Why would Claudia kill Alicia?”

“You just told us she wasn’t happy, she could have wanted you back.”

“But… Wow. That would be extreme.”