“I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I called out but—”

“Mandy!” Zoe ran to Amanda, and she lowered to receive the big hug that was coming her way.

Amanda pulled back after the embrace and stood to full height. She poked at a tip of the tiara. “How’s my little princess?”

“Doing great. Aunt Libby’s playing Frozen with me.”

“I see that.” Amanda smiled at Libby. “Sorry I was late.”

“No problem at all. It happens sometimes.”

Though overtime didn’t happen for Libby. She taught third grade at Dumfries Elementary, where Zoe attended, and had predictable hours. “More than I’d like.”

“Never a problem. You know I love spending time with our girl.”

Amanda never corrected Libby when she referred to Zoe as our girl. Libby was chosen family to Zoe’s parents before their murders, was even designated as Zoe’s godmother, but changed life circumstances hadn’t permitted Libby to take Zoe in. “You two look like you’re having fun.” Amanda was still smiling, the expression common when she was around Zoe. “You must get into this as much as Zoe.”

“It’s all about being young at heart, and I put my heart into everything I do,” Libby said, and Amanda had no doubt. “Well, I should be going, kiddo.”

Zoe giggled and then stood tall, her expression serious. “It’s not kiddo. It’s Princess Elsa, thank you very much.”

“Oh, my apologies, Princess.” Libby bowed to Zoe as if to royalty, then pecked a kiss on her forehead. The girl hugged her in response.

“Bye.” Zoe straightened her tiara and waved at Libby.

Libby said goodbye to Amanda and left the room. A few moments later, Amanda heard the front door close.

“So, what would you like to do now?” As Amanda said the words, she noted the stark contrast in her life. Leaving work to come home to this girl was like walking out of a dark pit into the sunlight. If only she could exist here, in this bubble, all the time—but she would eventually grow restless. She was born to be a cop. It had her thinking about Alicia Gordon’s plan to sell her business. Had that been Alicia’s idea, or was she being influenced or coerced to do so? Surely, just like Amanda was a cop in her blood, Alicia must have felt that bond to her work, to the empire she’d created.

“Mandy?” Zoe tugged on Amanda’s sleeve.

“Uh, yeah, sorry, sweetie. I drifted. What would you like to do?”

“Play more?” Her eyes were sparkling.

“Sounds good. I’m just going to grab something to eat, then I’ll join you.”


Amanda headed for the kitchen, and Zoe trailed her. “You ate, didn’t you?” It had become a standing thing over the last several months that if Amanda wasn’t home by five thirty or hadn’t reached out to Libby, she’d make dinner for Zoe. There was the faint smell of food lingering in the air, but Amanda couldn’t put a finger on what it was. She was hoping for leftovers, though. That would make dinner easy.

“Yeah.” Spoken like it was a given. Her Aunt Libby would never let her starve.

“And what was that?”

“Fish sticks and french fries.”

“Oh, sounds wonderful.”

“It was really good. She made extra for you. It’s in the fridge.”

Eating leftovers lost its appeal. Room temperature would have been better. Cold, the breading would be soggy. Still, Amanda smiled. “Very nice.” She could rewarm it in the oven, but that didn’t sound overly appetizing either. Good thing tartar sauce could cover a multitude of sins. She grabbed it along with the container from the fridge and turned to sit at the kitchen peninsula. She found Zoe seated on one of the stools there. “You can play while I eat if you want.”

“No. I’m good.”

Amanda’s heart warmed. The girl loved her company as much as Amanda loved hers. “Do you want anything to drink?”

“Nope. But I’ll take one of your fries.” Her hand was out of its glove, and her index finger was curled as she moved it toward Amanda’s plate.

“Okay, just because you’re you.” She winked at Zoe and gestured for the girl to help herself.

Amanda dug in. She just hoped the food stayed down—not to insult Libby’s culinary skills. Amanda was just feeling the weight of this case bearing down on her.