

“So, he’s… what? Wanting to come and get her?”

Bless him for struggling to find the right words, but there was no easy way to ask. “It’s looking that way. He’s requested to meet her tomorrow after school.”

“Sorry to hear that, Amanda. But maybe he just wants to see her, nothing more beyond that.”

“I hope you’re right, but it’s sounding like he wants to pursue his right as her father.” As she spoke the words, she felt something inside her break—it was a piece of herself that she’d barely managed to stitch together, and it was being ripped apart again. “I can’t lose her.”

He awkwardly reached over for her shoulder, but ended up going for her hand in her lap. Their hands barely grazed, and he pulled back.

“Ah, I’m sure it will work out the way it should,” he said.

“Her with him.” She hated how the pain was swirling in her chest, making it harder and harder to breathe.

“No, with you.”

Why do I still feel where his hand touched mine? The thought zapped her and left her confused. It was best to ignore any “feelings” toward Trent. “As always, I appreciate your confidence.”

“You’ll see.” He nodded and smiled.

“Thanks.” And for the trace of a second, she allowed herself respite in his calm serenity, a place where happy outcomes existed. The moment was brief, blowing up in the face of reality. Good things didn’t last.