“Whoa, hold up. No one said the guy’s my friend.”

“Well, you were in business with him,” she volleyed back. “That’s what Detective Stenson told me you said. Was he wrong?”

“Sure, fine. But he wasn’t my friend.”

“You and your crew would steal stuff and fence it through his pawnshop,” she said, matter-of-fact.

Freddy’s gaze flicked to hers.

She smirked. “You’re not denying it so we’re off to a good start.”

He snarled and for an instant she feared for Courtney’s safety.

“Then maybe you don’t need to tell me anything. I have ways of finding things out. Just like how I’m going to find out what the deal was between you and Chad on Sunday and where his car went.”

Freddy swallowed rou

ghly and rubbed his throat.

Amanda was following a feeling in her gut. “The fact the car’s missing mean something to you?”

“Ah, nah.” Freddy traced a fingertip on the table, his fidgety movements belying his verbal claim.

His body language was sending off strong signals that his ass was on the line with the car gone. But why and did it have anything to do with Palmer’s murder? Was Freddy a killer as well as a drug dealer and thief? She was failing to see clear motive, but Freddy had a connection to Webb, and he was one of the last people to see Palmer alive. She’d strive to fill in more of Palmer’s last hours.

“After you and Chad left Denver’s Motel, where did you go?”

“I went to shoot pool with Rat. I don’t know what he did.”

She couldn’t just sit there and let him steer the direction of this interview, no matter how uncomfortable and compromised she felt by his presence. It was time to claim her power. “You know that I can hold you for twenty-four hours without laying charges. Can you imagine what your crew might think you’re doing with the cops for that long?” She hitched her shoulders. “Then again, that’s not my problem.”

“You better watch your back, cop bitch!”

She launched her upper body across the table and was in his face in a second, her nose mere inches from his. “Try me. Call me cop bitch one more time,” she snarled and it took all her willpower not to grab him by the scruff of his neck, but it was the reflection in his eyes that had her shrinking inside. It was an image of herself she didn’t like.

She dropped back into her chair. “Listen, you and I have a lot of talking to do and until I say we’re done—”

“I’ll just lawyer up.”

“Nah, I don’t think you’ll do that.”

“No? And why not?”

“Because something was in that Caprice Chad had and you need it back. Why draw attention to that?”

Freddy rubbed his jaw, the bracelet dangling from his wrist. “I ain’t never said I need that dumb car.”

“But your body language did. What’s in the car, Freddy?”

“Nope. Not talking.”

“Fine, then you’re spending the night. I’ll make sure the word spreads on the street you’re giving up your guys.”

He bunched up his face in an ugly, massive scowl.

“Nuh-uh.” She wagged her finger. “Don’t say what you’re thinking.” The words “cop bitch” were rolling in his eyes like ticker tape.

He spat on the floor like he was some sort of mad camel.