“Did you ask him about that?”

“Never saw it.”

“Uh-huh, and what do you bet the chances are that used to be Palmer’s?”

“Okay, but—”

“No, I’m going in there and you’re going to dig up whatever else you can on Freddy. I want to know all his movements from the time that Palmer got out of prison. And did he or any of his pals ever visit Palmer in prison? Did you ask him about Casey-Anne Ritter?”

“I did, and he claimed not to have heard of her.”

“Not surprising. Go—look at Freddy’s activities.”

“Where should I start?” Trent’s cheeks were burning crimson.

“We assume that the Caprice might have been taken by the killer—”

“We do?”

She realized she’d been so flustered by Freddy’s presence that she hadn’t filled Trent in on her trip to Happy Time. She did that quickly now.

“So do you think Freddy or one of his cohorts could have done that, killed Palmer, taken off in the car after?” Trent said, brainstorming out loud.

“If that’s the case, something went wrong during their business arrangement.” She put finger quotes around business arrangement. “Do a search for all of Prince William County for any robberies or break-ins since Palmer was released on Friday afternoon.”

Trent was still standing there, but she needed him to leave. When she went in to talk to Freddy, she needed to be alone with him.

“Go. Do that while I’m in there.” She flicked a hand toward the interview room.

“Okay. On it.”

Trent left and she took a deep breath.

She made sure that whatever conversation she had in there with Freddy wouldn’t be recorded and headed next door.


Amanda opened the door to the interrogation room, and Freddy grinned wide.

“Civic six four six. How lucky I am to see you.” He slouched in his chair and draped an arm over the back. “What can I do for you today? Back for more?” He bobbed his eyebrows at her.

Inside she was quaking. She’d rushed in here on impulse, without really thinking things through. She pointed to the silver bracelet on Freddy’s wrist. “Nice bling. Why don’t you tell me about that?”

“Not feeling too chatty, but I could start talking if you don’t get me outta here.”

Shadows danced across his features. For her own good, she should cut him loose, but she had her damn word to keep.

“I’m pretty sure you know what I’d be saying.”

“You’re not going to intimidate me, Hank.”

“Oh yeah. All I need to do is have a little talk with your boss.”

“Really? And why the hell would he believe you over me?” She was shaking but doing her best so Freddy wouldn’t see through her. She’d seen careers destroyed by rumor.


“Now that’s out of the way…” She leaned forward and placed both elbows on the table. “Your friend, Chad Palmer.”