“Did you see where?”

“Right here.” The drinker put a fingertip to his right temple.

The unexplained gash in Palmer’s forehead… “Then what happened?”

“The gunman forced the guy to get into the front passenger seat.” George’s eyelids started sagging like he was going to drop into a pile and fall asleep right there in the parking lot.

“Then,” she prompted. She just needed this guy to stay awake a little longer.

“The gunman took the guy’s keys, got in the driver’s seat, and drove away.”

“And did you report this to the police?”

“No. Should have, I know, but I typically like to mind my own business. Figure it’s worked so far.”

She wasn’t about to reprimand an older man, and it wouldn’t get them anywhere. She was no one’s caretaker and no one life’s coach.

“Besides, I don’t see any cop believing me, ya know. I was drinking. Drunk.” The last word came out tethered to a lot of shame.

“Well, I believe you.”

“That I was drunk?” George winked, picking up on what she really meant. He added, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And thank you. You’ve been a lot of help.”

George grinned. “Happy to be of service.” He saluted, making Amanda wonder if he was former military.

She winked at him. “Ah, just a couple more things…”

“Whatever you want, darlin’.”

“Did you happen to see where the gunman came from?”

He shook his head. “Sorry, can’t help you there. I just came out of the bar.”

“Okay.” She gave him a tight smile. “And what’s your full name, you know for the record?”

“Oh, I don’t know if I want to become entangled that way. Just think of me as George, the curious monkey.”

One of her daughter’s favorite stories had included the escapades of the adventure-loving monkey. She held eye contact with him for a few moments. There was something secreted in this man’s past he didn’t want to come out and she of all people could respect his desire to keep his history to himself. “Okay, well, if I have more questions—”

“You can usually find me here.”

“All right. Thank you.”

George dipped his head and retreated down a back alley. She watched him disappear and put her gaze to the bar’s roofline. At the back corner there was a small black globe secured beneath the eave. A security camera.

She tromped back into the bar and didn’t let Charlie’s grimace dissuade her. “Does the camera in the lot work?”

“Far as I know.”

“I need the footage for last night.”

“Then I’ll need to see a warrant.” Charlie poured a drink and slid it down to one of the drunks who was still perched on his stool.

“Be assured I’ll get one.”

“Until then, princess…” Charlie fake-smiled at her and the guy who’d just got a refill laughed.