“Thank you,” Amanda told her and let her gaze drift over to Blair. The two investigators weren’t just physical opposites; their personalities were polar to each other too. Donnelly was kind and accommodating, Blair a bit of a grouch, with the bedside manner of a bad doctor.

“Just one more question and we’ll be out of your hair,” Amanda began. “Before Rideout left, did he happen to say any more about where he was leaning for manner of death?”

“No,” Blair said curtly.

Donnelly chuckled. “He mumbled to himself a lot.”

“That’s never good,” Amanda said. Rideout only mumbled when he was puzzled. “And you got the garbage outside the motel office?”

“Yes, ma’am. We’ll work through it back at the lab.”


Blair shot Amanda a cold look that said they didn’t need to be micromanaged. What the heck was her problem?

Amanda and Trent saw themselves out, and Becky came toward them. Amanda gestured for Trent to carry on and get into the car, which he did. Amanda shook her head.

“What?” Becky smiled and glanced at Trent, then back to Amanda.

“He’s like a puppy.”

“Could be worse. Puppies are cute and—”

“They can get underfoot.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Becky countered.

Amanda couldn’t argue, but she wasn’t about to defend Trent either. Their relationship was far too new for that.

“So, how are you doing?” Becky asked.


Becky burst out a laugh. “Okay, now I know I need to worry.”

Amanda smiled. “I’ve had easier cases, and Rideout’s not even sure Palmer was murdered.”

“But you think he was?”

“There are unanswered questions. Like Palmer’s former business partner was murdered.”

Becky’s mouth formed an O.

“And his murder, the partner’s that is, was linked to one in Georgia.” She gave Becky the brief overview of the Webb and Ritter cases.


“Yeah. Thrilling. But regardless of how that part shakes out, I need to secure my alibi. Part of the terms of working this case.”

“That going to be a problem?”

“Might be.”

“Why? What is it?”

Amanda opened her mouth; shut it. She shouldn’t have brought it up. “I’ll figure it out.”

Becky narrowed her eyes and tilted her head.