Marco tugged at the sleeves of his tux and rolled his shoulders, clearly uncomfortable in the formal attire.

“Stop fidgeting.” I chuckled. “We can’t show up at the altar in jeans and t-shirts.”

“There is no altar,” Marco pointed out. “And it’s too hot to wear this.” He tugged at the collar of his shirt.

I grinned. “It’s a perfect day for Ashlyn. Are you really going to complain?”

The sun was shining high over the azure Mediterranean Sea, which would be the backdrop when we said our vows. We’d chosen to have the ceremony on the terrace of the opulent hotel where we’d gotten engaged. The string quartet was already playing, ushering the few guests to their seats. Ashlyn’s mother and stepfather would be in attendance, as well as Kelsey and Jayme. A handful of Ashlyn’s college friends and colleagues had also come to the wedding. They’d chosen to accept us and our unconventional relationship.

My heart swelled at their presence. My angel deserved good friends in her life who supported her choices and accepted her just as she was.

We’d opted for a simple procession without a maid of honor or a best man. There would only be Marco, me, and our beautiful girl.

And her father, who had agreed to walk Ashlyn down the aisle. She’d been so happy that her parents had agreed to attend. A slight pang lanced my heart, but I chose to ignore it.

Of course, my parents couldn’t attend. Not after I’d been exiled. We had a videographer recording the event, so I could share the day with them in some small way.

“Joseph!” My mother’s voice called out to me, and I shook my head sharply. I must be missing them more than I’d realized if I was hearing her say my name.

“Joseph,” she said again, drawing nearer.

I blinked and turned toward the hotel entrance, away from the terrace where I would marry Ashlyn in just a few minutes.

My mother truly was rushing toward me, tears in her pale blue eyes. “I thought we would be too late,” she said thickly, throwing her arms around me. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Mom?” I returned her embrace, bewildered.

My father was right behind her, his dark eyes overbright with his own swell of emotion. “It’s good to see you, son.”

“But…” I swallowed down the lump that’d formed in my throat. “You can’t be here. If anyone finds out, they might use it against you.”

The whole reason we’d been allowed to leave the mafia and move to our new home in Boston was because our relationship was forbidden. Ciro Amato had almost killed us for it only six months ago. My dad was taking a huge risk to his control of the family by showing his face here today.

His lips thinned on a scowl. “I couldn’t miss my son’s wedding,” he declared. “Leo is keeping an eye on things back home. No one knows where I am.”

My mom stepped back so that my dad could grasp my shoulder in a reassuring grip. “I couldn’t let you get married without my blessing,” he said. “All I want is for you to be happy.”

“I am happy, Dad.” My voice wavered slightly as my throat tightened. “I’m happy with Ashlyn and Marco. Today is perfect.”

Dad eyed Marco warily, searching his stony face. After a long, tense moment, he embraced my best friend. “You have my blessing too.”

Marco was stiff in his brief hug, his features drawn tight in an expression I didn’t quite understand. Then his eyes shined under the bright sunlight, and he blinked hard.

My heart lifted. My dad’s approval meant a lot to Marco. His own father was a cruel, cold bastard. This blessing was probably the most paternal affection he’d ever received.

I rested a bolstering hand on his shoulder, and he shook his head slightly as though to clear away his more vulnerable emotions. I squeezed, silently reminding him that it was okay to be vulnerable around me.

“Thank you.” He finally managed to rumble his gratitude to my father. “That means a lot.”

The string quartet started up a new song, The Book of Love.

“It’s time,” I announced, anticipation fizzing through my veins. I was about to marry Ashlyn, and my parents were in attendance. I could hardly believe this day was reality.

“Let’s go marry our girl.” A wide, purely joyous grin softened Marco’s hard features. He only ever smiled like this for her, our sweet angel.

I was distantly aware of my parents hurrying off to join the small gathering of guests, but my focus centered on my destination: the floral arch that framed the perfect blue sky and darker indigo sea. The place where we would promise ourselves to each other. All three of us, together forever.