Page 44 of Not Even Close

“Uh,” Byron glanced at her but clearly, she was going to let him take the question as she took a swig of her water. “Technically, it’s been about a week since we officially met and started talking daily. But uh, we’d seen each other around for a little over a month?”

He turned to Savannah for help. Byron knew the seeing each other around stuff didn’t count for shit but given the scene he’d made today, he didn’t want her family thinking him an outrageously premature entitled psycho like she’d made him feel a few times already.

Before Savannah could add her two cents her dad went on. “How’d youofficiallymeet?”

The waitress dropped off their drinks. Sodas for the boys a beer for dad and a glass of wine for mom. Before either he or Savannah could answer he pointed at Byron. “You old enough to drink?”

“Yeah, but I’m driving.”

Her father nodded approvingly as the waitress proceeded to take the food and drink orders from the new arrivals at the table. “So, how’d you meet my daughter?” her dad asked again as he took a swig of his beer. Clearly this line of questioning would be aimed at him for the most part.

“At a party, daddy.”

Byron turned to Savannah who was likely and understandably so, fearing Byron might share last week’s fiasco at the frat party. Her big eyes widened ever so slightly as they met Byron’s sending a silent message then turned back to her dad. “We started talking then exchanged numbers.”

Glancing away from her, Byron met her dad’s probing eyes. “You said you’d seen each other around. Around school?”

Swallowing hard, Byron shook his head. “No, actually. I’m done with school. I first saw her at 5thStreet, the gym.”

Stopping before taking another swig of his beer, her dad seemed to sit back in his chair. “Done with school? How oldareyou?”

“I’m twenty-five, sir.”

Her dad sat up straighter again as her mom touched his arm. “Twenty-five?”

“Beast is his brother,” Sienna suddenly piped up. “TheBeast, daddy. The boxer. Isn’t that crazy? Him and Beast own their own auto repair and restoration shop. You know the one that’s been on that reality show you watch sometimes.”

Byron practically held his breath. As her parents exchanged looks, her mother once again raised a brow as her dad very obviously worked his jaw.

“You’re Beast’s brother?” Gordo suddenly asked sounding excited. “Did he really kill that guy? You never know what to believe on the internet anymore and that’s been so debated.”

Suddenly all eyes were on him. When he turned to Savannah hers were closed for a moment since they’d already discussed this, and she knew the whole story. “Yeah, uh,” he cleared his throat. “Fortunately, he’d been just in time to save his girlfriend from being sexually assaulted.” He had all of their undivided attention, but he turned to her dad to add the rest. “Some argued his beating the guy to death was excessive and well, my brother is notorious for his temper—”

“I’ve heard the story and seen the footage. I don’t know a single man who wouldn’t have had the same reaction.” Her dad took another swig of his beer as the waitress dropped off Byron, Savannah and Sienna’s drinks. “I’m glad he got off,” he added as soon as the waitress walked away. “So, you said you’re done with school. You mean college?

“Yes, sir. Graduated last year.”

“What did you major in?”

“I got my bachelor’s in business administration,” Byron answered glancing at a proudly smiling Savannah. “But I minored in digital marketing.”

“So, you’re part owner of Bad Boys?” Gordo asked. “I heard you guys might get your own reality show.”

“There’s been talk about it, but nothing’s come of it yet.”

“Has Vannah told you about our YouTube and TikTok Channels?” Sienna asked.

Byron turned to Sienna then back to Savannah in question. “No, she hasn’t.”

“Well, that doesn’t surprise me.” Sienna lifted her cup, bringing the straw to her lips before adding “She’s completely neglected it ever since she went away to school.”

“Nena, editing those videos is so time consuming,” Savannah explained sounding a bit guilty. “I’m constantly swamped with homework.”

“Oh, I know,” Sienna said smiling big. “Maybe you can interview Beast for the channel. How cool would that be? You can leave the editing to me.”

“I could talk to him,” Byron shrugged glad Sienna had taken over. This was far less nerve wracking than her dad’s grilling. “What kind of channel is it?”

“Fashion advice mostly.” She flipped her hair up with a big grin. “We’re influencers.”