Page 28 of Not Even Close

Despite the distraction of watching Mrs. Diaz and her secret lover, mostly all Vannah could think of was what’d she’d be doing in a few hours and with who. So, she left early to go obsess about what she’d wear. She didn’t want to overdo it, but she didn’t want to look sloppy either.

Surprisingly, she settled on something to wear fairly quickly. She’d forgotten about the denim shorts romper she hadn’t worn in a while. It was cute and sexy at the same time. Xochitl had said it was figure flattering because it hugged her body just so but not slutty because it wasn’t too tight or too short.

Since she was done early, she decided maybe she should pack snacks. Looking in the fridge to see what she could put together. There wasn’t a whole lot to work with but thankfully Vannah had skills. She quickly made somechorizoquesadillaswith an impromptu avocado salsa she threw together with the few things they had in the fridge and pantry. They had a half bag of tortilla chips in the pantry that she grabbed and threw in along with everything else to the beach bag. Perfect finger foods they could munch on while they sat on the beach.

Vannah still wasn’t sure what to make of Byron’s “associate” remark in his check-in text. It could’ve been a harmless teasing comment. But she was back to wondering if the text before the call with the invitation had all been calculated. Was it his low-key forewarning for her not to start expecting too much?

According to what Vannah was still telling Xochitl it’s all she wanted. Though her ongoing quivering insides and unabashed pounding heart, every time she remembered those kisses were telling a whole other story already. Vannah made a few subtle comments reminding Xochitl how she wasn’t looking to get into anything serious with anyone. Mostly she was desperate to prepare her overly excited heart for the worst—that Byron had taken her statements to heart, and it was theonlyreason why he kissed and asked to see her again. While he’d been eyeing her for weeks and was obviously attracted to her, it wasn’t until her full disclosure about not being into the relationship thing and only hadfriendsthat he decided to make a move. That said a lot. Vannah wasn’t about to ruin any chance of fun with the hottest man who’d ever kissed her.

The more she thought about it, the more it made perfect sense. Why he hadn’t bothered to approach her before Friday night, whenshe’dapproached him. Clearly, he’d already pegged her as young and naïve, this being her first time away frommommy and daddy, after all. He probably thought trying anything with her before Friday night would be more trouble than it was worth. A man like Byron was in no way looking for a clingy little college freshman who might get her heart broken. But hooking up with a young girl who was all for a good time with no strings attached he was willing to do. Sticking to her plan of enjoying her college years, she’d made her decision. Especially after those kisses. She was going for it and there’d be no looking back. No regrets.

Vannah laid it on a little thick when discussing it with Xochitl that evening. She was all for this even if it turned out to be just a meaningless fling. But she had a feeling Xochitl wasn’t buying that the idea of anythingrealhappening between her and Byron didn’t excite the hell out of her. Still, her friend’s advice was, if the subject of relationships were to come up again to just stick with her first story.

“Just be cool if it comes up again. You don’t have to be all bitchy about it like,no I am not looking for anything serious, so back off!You can just reiterate that you’re okay with just trying to focus on school in case you’re worried he might be thinking a few kisses has you all twisted already.”

Vannah had scoffed at that last statement, though it was so awkwardly ingenuine, she’d caught her friend smirking. As bold and in-your-face as Xochitl had been during her forthright pep talk about how Vannah should handle Byron, she was quick to run to her room when the knock at the door came that evening.

“I just can’t face him this soon, Vannah. I’m still so embarrassed.”

With a nervous chuckle Vannah promised her roomie she’d check in the moment she got a chance. Inhaling deeply as she peeped through the peep hole in her front door, she wondered how in the world the man got bigger each time she saw him.

“Hey,” she said smiling as she opened the door.

Byron took her in with an equally broad smile. “Hey.” To her surprise he immediately reached for her hand and tugged her to him. “You look good.”

In the next second, she was pressed against his big hard body and his lips were on hers. Just like it’d happened earlier that day, she fell into a heavenly trance as his mouth devoured hers for what felt like forever and yet it was overtoosoon. He leaned his forehead against hers, his big arm wrapped around her waist, as she felt him take in as deep a breath. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” The breathless word was a near whisper as her eyes gravitated to his tongue licking his bottom lip.

Inhaling deeply, Vannah’s eyes traveled slowly upward until they met with his intense gaze. With her legs once again feeling like they might give out on her, she struggled to gather her wits. But she cleared her throat and managed to sound a little more in control. “Just let me grab my phone.”

Having thought ahead, Vannah had moved the things she needed to her phone wallet so she wouldn’t have to lug a purse around the beach. She grabbed it with her free hand because Byron walked into her dorm with her, never once letting go of her other hand.

“You alone tonight?” Byron glanced around her quiet dorm room.

“Uh, yeah. For now,” she said fairly certain her still mortified roomie would not be poking her head out of her room while he was there. “Xochitl will be home later.”

She left it at that, not wanting to elaborate further knowing full well how bad she was at keeping lies straight. It’s why she avoided lying at all costs but in this case it felt harmless.

“I packed a few snacks to bring with us.”

She grabbed the bag with the food, but he took it from her. “I got it.”

They walked out hand in hand as Byron glanced around taking in the dorms. “These are really dorms? They’re bigger than any I’ve ever been in.”

Pressing her lips together because she knew for a fact, he already had a certain impression of her. She had a feeling what he was thinking now as well. The truth. That the little princess was staying in the biggest dorms near the campus—on daddy’s dime.

“Yeah, my parents are what you would say . . . a little on the overprotective side.”

Before he could comment, she decided she’d just be honest. It’s not like just because her family was well off, she’d ever felt entitled. In fact, it was just the opposite. There’d been countless times over the years that she had to insist her parents didn’t overdo the fawning.

“If they’d had it their way, I’d be in a gated community living in a ridiculously expensive apartment or condo even.”

He chuckled nodding his head as they continued to walk. “I get it though. I have nieces and I can totally see my brother—”

“Vannah Banana . . .”

They slowed as Michael, Vannah’s upstairs neighbor walked up the stairs of the walkway toward them into the dorms. His smile waned, as his eyes noticeably glanced down at her and Byron’s hand holding. It was subtle, but another thing Vannah didn’t miss was the slight squeeze of her hand from Byron.