“What?” Katie was confused until she looked and saw what Rose had in her hand. Daddy’s belt. “What’s going on?”

“I’m going to spank you with my belt.”

“But... you mean Auntie is?”

“No honey. I want your eyes on me the whole time. I am the one in control. Do you understand?”

“Not really.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good. Obey me, please.”

Katie nibbled her lip and tried to let go and trust, but it was hard. This was new and strange and she didn’t know how she felt about it.

“Turn your brain off,” Jeff commanded. “Close your eyes and focus. It’s just you and me.”

She nodded as she laid over the bed and closed her eyes.

“Tell Daddy why you’re getting a spanking, little one,” Jeff instructed as she felt the leather of his belt brush against her bare bottom.

She wasn’t entirely sure so she blurted out everything. “I haven’t been taking my vitamins like I’m s’posed to and when you asked me I gave you all the attitude ‘cuz I was mad and frustrated. It felt like it didn’t matter what I did ‘cuz you never asked and I felt like you forgot all about me and my rules.”

“I’m really sorry I made you feel that way, honey. You and the kids are always on my mind. I’m constantly wondering what you’re doing and how you’re handling everything. I’m constantly missing you and wishing things could be different. I haven’t done the best job in making sure you feel secure and that changes right now.”

The belt left her bottom and came back with a loud fiery thwap. Katie jumped. “Owie.”

“From tonight forward, you and I are going to have a daily check in every night before bed. If I can’t video chat because of work, then you will email me a full report of your day. I want to know what was good and what was bad. I want to know if you broke one of my rules or if you were a good girl. This is not about the kids, it's about you and me: husband and wife, Daddy and Little girl. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

The belt landed again directly over the first spot.

“Since this whole ordeal is partially my fault, you’ll get ten more, then we’ll be done. Okay? Be a good girl and stay still.”

Katie didn’t know how Rose and Jeff were communicating so completely as they worked as one to punish her for her behavior without missing a beat, but they did. The belt fell slowly and consistently over and over again. It was just like having Jeff spank her. Katie squirmed and whimpered each time the belt fell. After eight strokes there was a long pause.

Katie opened her eyes and looked behind her to see what was going on.

“Uh uh.” Jeff snapped his fingers. “Eyes on me.”

Katie looked at him. “Are we all done?”

“Were you keeping count?” Jeff asked, knowing full well that she was.

“Yes, Sir.”

“How many were there?”


“How many did I say?”

“Ten, Daddy.”

“That’s right. These last two are going to be very hard and I want you to stay put, do you understand me?”