“Me? No, I’m not going to tell them.”

Katie let out a big breath and her shoulders sagged.

“You’re going to tell them.”

“No! Auntie, please. I won’t do it again,” Katie whined.

“Oh, trust me, I’m going to make it my personal mission to make sure you never even think to pull a stunt like that, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are going to confess this ridiculousness to your Daddy and Uncle after I’m finished with you.”

Katie’s hands slowly went back to cover her bottom, and if Rose wasn’t still trying to calm her racing heart she might have smiled. “Trust me, little girl you are going to need more than your hands to protect that naughty bottom. As of right now, you are going to march into that house and sit your butt down and have some breakfast. You are not allowed to set foot on that trampoline until I’ve had my say.”


“The only butt you need to concern yourself with is your own, now march.” Rose pointed to the house.

Katie dropped her chin to her chest and headed toward the door.

Thankfully Rose had sent Noah to get dressed and he didn’t see what Katie had done or no doubt he would have followed suit. That just made Rose angrier and she forced herself to take a couple of breaths before following her naughty little brat inside the house.

Katie was a good mom, but she was deep in her Little space and she didn’t always make the best choices in that headspace. Rose knew Katie would feel immense guilt for what she’d done when she came to that realization, as well. Rose planned to make sure of it.

Katie’s stomach was in knots. Rose had barely even looked at her all morning and she hadn’t been allowed back on the trampoline. It sucked sitting by and just watching Noah and Auntie have fun bouncing, but she was able to busy herself with pushing Claire on the baby swing and playing with her in the sand. Still, nothing could keep her mind from wandering to her impending punishment.

When naptime rolled around the kids were so tired from being outside all day that neither of them protested. Katie was tasked with getting the kids down while Auntie cleaned up the picnic lunch mess.

“Can we call Daddy after nap so I can show him my cool ninja moves on the trampoline?” Noah asked as Katie tucked him in.

Having to face Jeff after her punishment was not going to be fun, but she wouldn’t keep Noah from calling him no matter how much she would want to avoid his look of disapproval. “Sure, buddy. Daddy would love to see your fancy moves.”

“Maybe when he comes home I can teach him. Policemen need good ninja moves,” he said sleepily.

Katie giggled. Noah never failed to make her laugh. “They totally do. Sweet dreams, I love you.”

“Love you too, Mommy.”

She left the room and closed the door behind her. Rose was standing outside the room waiting, her arms were crossed over her chest and her dreaded wooden spoon was in her hand. Katie’s tummy flip-flopped.

“Hi,” she said, not knowing what else to say or do.

Rose didn’t say a word, just pointed to Katie’s room. Katie hung her head and went with Rose right on her heels. Usually Auntie’s closeness was comforting, but when she had her spoon in hand it was hard to walk without the notion that the spoon could land across her bottom at any moment.

Thankfully, her Auntie didn’t start swatting during their short walk, but unfortunately as soon as they were in the privacy of Katie’s room that changed.

The door barely clicked shut when her ear was seized, and Rose began applying the spoon to her jean-covered butt. It wasn’t particularly painful with her clothes on, but it hurt enough to send her up onto her tiptoes in an effort to make it stop.

“Ow, Auntie!” she squealed when the swats just kept coming. She could barely catch her breath between the hard, punishing swats. “I’m sorry!” she pleaded, but Rose stayed silent, letting Katie feel her displeasure with each rapidly-fired spank.

Abruptly Rose let go of her ear and stopped spanking. Katie bent at the middle, putting her hands on her thighs and trying to catch her breath. It was a dangerous position, but she didn’t have a choice. She could hear Rose’s heavy breathing close behind her.

“Consider that your warmup. Pants and panties off and nose in the corner, now,” Rose ordered.

Her voice had a hardness to it she wasn’t used to hearing. She didn’t want to give Rose a reason to add more to her punishment so she stripped from the waist down and hurried to the corner.

“I’m sorry, Auntie,” she said quietly as soon as she was in place.

“You don’t even know what sorry means yet, but you will,” Rose promised ominously. “I thought a couple of hours would cool me down, but you should know that it did not. I’m no longer angry, but I am absolutely determined to make sure you never try a dangerous stunt like that again.”

Katie whimpered and pressed herself as far into the corner as she could.