"And speaking of happy distractions," Keith cut in, "everything else is already here, it's just been waiting for you to say it was time. I think we have tomorrow night and the next day off, so text us before you go to bed tomorrow night and we’ll sneak over and get it all set up."

"Perfect!" Rose squealed. "Thank you so much. I think this will really help."

"Let's hope so," Jeff said. "Unfortunately, we have to get to work and it's going to be a long one. Don't forget to take a video for us when they see the surprise and don't skimp on your order. Get some things for yourself, too. God knows you deserve it."

"Yes, Sir," Rose said, honoring Jeff with an honorific title she didn't often use for him. She added a wink so he would know not to get used to it and signed off.

Pulling out her laptop, she logged into Jeff's Amazon account and began to shop.

The next afternoon Rose watched Katie push her macaroni and cheese around on her plate and checked her watch for the three thousandth time. She had paid a pretty penny extra to get some of their goodies sent overnight and she couldn't wait for them to get here.

Of course, the post office had to be backed up and barely running, too, but Rose didn't want to think about that. The tracking said the items would get there today, and she had to trust that they would, even if every single second felt like hours with the doom-and-gloom boredom-crew surrounding her. Even baby Claire was starting to seem overly fussy and bored. She was probably picking up on their moods. Or maybe she was teething. Either way, a fussy baby was not what this situation needed or called for.

It needed LEGOS. Lots and lots of LEGOS. And puzzles and noisy baby toys and bubbles and new coloring books and all the stuff Rose had purchased. True to her promise, she had also added some new books and fancy bath stuff for herself so she could relax in the evenings once everyone went to bed, but that stuff wouldn't be here until tomorrow. That was soon enough. After the unveiling of Keith and Jeff's big surprise tomorrow, she knew she would be exhausted and sore. A hot bath and a good book would be just the ticket at the end of a long, fun day.

"Auntie, can I be done?" Katie's voice broke through Rose's daydream and brought her back to a more somber reality.

"I want to be done, too!" Noah piped up as Claire banged on her highchair.

Rose looked at Katie's plate and frowned. "Did you eat anything or did you just push it around on your plate?"

Katie shrugged in response.

Rose was fed up and impatient. "Okay. That's it. Naptime for everyone!" she exclaimed, gathering their still-full plates and carrying them to the sink.

She returned with a clean washcloth, wiped down Noah's and Claire's faces, then the table before anyone could even start to argue. Not that it took Katie long to start. As Rose gathered up the kiddos, Katie found her voice.

"Auntie, I don't want a nap!"

"Too bad. So sad. I'm not entertaining arguments today, little one. I'm in charge and it's naptime for everyone."

"Even you?"

"Maybe." Rose could probably use a nap as much as any of them, but what she needed even more than a nap was some peace and quiet, with an emphasis on peace.

"I wanna sleep with you, then," Katie demanded.

Rose felt a smidge of guilt. Recently the kid’s naptime had become their special time where they watched shows or just sat together, snacked and talked, but she wasn't up for it today. She just wasn't. Not with Katie's attitude or her own.

"No." She shook her head, answering firmly.

"Auntie! That's not fair!"

Katie stomped her foot and Rose fought to keep her reaction under control.

"Life's not fair, baby, and sometimes you just have to deal with it. Today is one of those days."

She could see the fight brewing in Katie's eyes and put the kibosh on it quickly.

"Don't even think about it, little girl. This is not one of those times where you fight and get sent to bed with a hot bottom and cuddles. If you fight, all you're going to get is your tablet, phone and TV privileges taken away.”

Katie gasped loudly. It was a threat Rose had never used before, but it worked instantly. Katie shook her head and the stubbornness faded from her eyes, replaced with sad resignation.

"No thank you, Auntie. I'll have a nap."

"That's what I thought. Now let me get these kiddos settled and I'll come and tuck you in."

"Yes, Auntie."