Rose gave a familiar sigh, and though she couldn't see it Katie could picture the look of disappointment and resolve on her face. Her lips would be pursed together, her cheeks pulled taut as she frowned, and the look in her eyes would be one of determination as she prepared to mete out punishment. Katie shivered.

"Okay little one, since it was the least naughty of all the naughty words and I'm quite comfortable, I'm just going to use my hand tonight. You'll get twenty-five and you'll count them."

"Yes, Auntie."

Rose's hand was well accustomed to punishing naughty bottoms and it could be as formidable as a spoon, if not more so.

When it fell against her bare flesh, the sting caught Katie off guard. Wincing, she fought the fight or flight response.

"One!" she cried.

Rose didn't pause or go slow and Katie was still required to keep count. "Two, three, four, five… six!"

If it was possible, Rose started spanking harder then, and Katie could feel her flesh heating up as Rose laid into her, delivering hard, punishing blows to the fleshiest part of her bottom. "Seven, eight, nine, ten! Ouch!"

"Good. If it hurts that means I haven’t lost my touch," Rose stated, moving her attention lower, to Katie's sit-spots. "Keep counting."

"Eleven," Katie panted through the sting as Rose paid extra attention to the tender flesh on the undercurve of her bottom and her upper thighs. "Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen... oowwwie!"

"Just count. Without the commentary. It's supposed to be owie. It's a spanking. That's kind of the point," Rose lectured.

Hmph. Katie pursed her lips, tempted to pout and stop counting in protest. She knew better, but Rose had never told her not to whine before. It made her mad, but she wasn’t about to stop counting and risk Rose starting over or adding swats.

When Rose continued, so did Katie. "Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!"

She paused but Rose didn't. If Katie wanted the spanking to be over she had to keep up. "Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five!"

Rose immediately started rubbing. Katie was surprised how much her bottom hurt from the short hand spanking, but the rubbing felt good, and the ball of anxiety in her chest seemed just a little less tight.

"All done!" she announced with a little too much glee in her voice. Lowering it to a somber whisper, she added. "I'm sorry for saying a naughty word, Auntie."

"Thank you. Now, what about being sorry for sneaking cookies? Oh, that's right, I haven't addressed that yet."

It was clear from the teasing tone in Rose's voice that she expected a protest, and she got one.

"Nooo," Katie whined. "No more."

"No more? That was just a little spanking. Surely you haven't had enough yet."

"I have," Katie whined. She knew it wasn't true, but that didn't stop her. "And besides, you didn't say not to take more cookies. You just gave me two. You didn't say I couldn't have more."

"It was implied," Rose answered. Katie could hear the smirk in her voice.

"And besides, I still ate all my dinner."

"All good points. Of course, I don't know a little girl who wouldn't finish a piece of olive and pineapple pizza put in front of her, even if she didn't have too many cookies."

"But I didn't eat too many! My tummy doesn't hurt or nothin'! That means I ate just enough!"

Rose laughed then and Katie knew she had won. "Okay, little one. You've made your case. No spanking for the extra cookies. But we are still gonna have the Auntie and Katie therapy time we talked about. We both need it."

Katie sighed. When Rose put it that way, she couldn't argue. She would do anything for her Auntie and it helped her to know that Rose needed her as much as she needed Rose. "Yes, Auntie!"

When she signaled her compliance Rose pulled her closer and tighter, resting her hand on Katie's bottom once more.

Katie felt her body shift as she seemed to fumble around for something and went into high alert. Did Rose have a spoon hidden somewhere... or... something worse than a spoon?

"What... what are you doing, Auntie?"