"That would be wise. Now, let's dissect your answer, shall we? I asked you a question and you lied, correct?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Do we lie to each other? Is that how we operate in this family?"

"No, Ma'am."

"No, we do not."

Rose didn't say any more then, just started spanking. The spoon danced all over Katie's already tender butt and no amount of begging or promising could get the swats to stop. Rose spanked and spanked for what felt like an hour, but wasn't anywhere close. She wore Katie out emotionally and physically, reducing her to a limp-muscled, sobbing mess before the spoon finally stopped.

Rose rubbed Katie's back while she cried. "All done, little one," she cooed. Katie squirmed off her lap and into her arms.

"I-I'm s-sorry for l-lying, Auntie."

"All forgiven, sweet girl. Next time you need to listen to the question and make sure you are answering truthfully, okay?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good girl. Now let's talk about why you were so upset."

Katie snagged her phone off the bed and opened her texts to show Rose. Rose read silently and Katie hoped she didn't decide to spank her more for spending all of that money so frivolously.

"Why does this upset you, little one?"

"B-because it was selfish." Katie confessed.

Rose laughed. "Honey, how often do you spoil yourself?"

Katie tried to remember the last time she bought herself something. "I got new shoes before we went to Vegas."

"Shoes are a necessity."

"Well, I didn't really need them."

"Just because your shoes weren't falling apart doesn't mean you couldn't use something new," Rose informed her, obviously highly aware of how Katie wore out shoes and clothes before buying new things.

"I can't remember, then."

"That's what I thought. Which means it has been entirely too long. Even your Daddy is glad you spoiled yourself. There is no reason to feel so yucky."

Katie took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes Ma'am."

"Good girl." Rose kissed the crown of her head. "Now get your computer and show me what you got and then it's nap time."

Katie smiled and did what she was told. Laying in her Auntie's arms with a sore bottom and talking about her new stuffie and each of his pieces of clothing and accessories lightened Katie's mood drastically, and by the time Rose was tucking her in for her nap she was back to her happy Little self.