"Yes, Auntie." Noah pouted. "How come all the not fun things are what help you grow strong? Naps, broccoli, brushing your teeth..." He ticked off a list of things his four-year-old brain had deemed 'not fun'.

Katie giggled, but was instantly silent when Rose raised a brow at her.

"Because that's how life works. Let's go." She shooed him out of the kitchen and turned back to Katie. "Finish your lunch and meet me in your bedroom. I think it's time you and I had a little chat."

Katie's stomach dropped and she looked down at the last bite on her plate like it was going to jump up and bite the tip of her nose off. She didn't want to have a little chat with Rose, yet she felt insanely guilty for ordering all of the stuff for herself without consulting Jeff and she knew the 'chat' would help that.

She returned a message to her husband.Yes, I did. I'm sorry for not talking to you first. I kind of got wrapped up in the fun of it and wasn't paying attention to how much it cost before I hit submit.

The little bubbles danced across the screen, telling her he was typing a response.

No problem, baby girl. I just wanted to make sure it was you and not someone else using our card. Did you get something for the kids?

Guilt ate away at her as she realized she hadn't even thought about the kids when she was ordering. How could she be so selfish? She couldn't lie to Jeff and say she had, so she just answered the best she could.

Not really.

You bought a bear for yourself?he asked.

It's a lion,she corrected him, avoiding answering his question directly.

Sounds great. I'm glad you are spoiling yourself a little bit. It’s my turn to drive. Be good. I love you.

I love you too.

Katie set down her phone and laid her forehead on her hands. She couldn't believe herself. Maybe she could cancel the order. Leaving her plate and everything on the table she darted to her room and threw open her laptop.

"What are you doing now, naughty girl?" Rose asked as she leaned against the door jamb. Her arms were crossed over her chest and in one hand was her evil wooden spoon.

"I'm canceling my order. It was a stupid and selfish impulse buy and I wasn't even thinking about anything but myself and..." She banged on the keyboard trying to get back to the site.

"Whoa, whoa." Rose took the computer from her and closed it. "What happened?"

Tears built in Katie's eyes. She didn't want to admit how she was feeling. She was so embarrassed. She shrugged. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"I see how upset you are, little one. I want to help."

"You don't wanna help, you just wanna spank my butt."

"Well yes, eventually before this day is over you will be getting a spanking on your naughty bare bottom with my spoon, but I need to see what's happening in that little brain of yours first."

Katie crawled up to the head of her bed and shimmied into the covers before pulling them over her head.

"I need a nap."

Rose sighed deeply and laid on the bed next to her. "You can take a nap when we’re finished. You sleep better with a red-hot bottom, anyways." Rose poked her butt and Katie scooted as close to the edge of the bed as she could without falling off.

"I can sleep just fine without it," she protested futilely.

"Let me tell you how this is going to go." Rose's voice changed to authoritative Auntie and Katie's tummy flipped inside. "If you want to stay under the covers while you talk to me, then that's fine, but you are going to tell me what's going on and then I’m going to spank you for your naughty words and for not being truthful with me when you said your shopping trip was Daddy-approved already, and then you’ll take a nap."

"I don't like that plan," Katie responded.

"I didn't ask for your opinion; I told you what is going to happen. What happened?"

Katie flipped the blankets off her head. "Can you just spank me and get it over with?"

Rose's eyes widened in surprise. "Okay change of plans."