“You are so lucky your Daddy and Uncle aren’t here. So lucky. After your spanking you are going to take a nap, then we’re going to call them, and you are going to tell them exactly what you did and how you were punished. You better hope your Daddy doesn’t choose to add to your punishment because you are already going to be one sore little girl. Come here.”

Katie didn’t want to face the music. She was comfy in the corner, comfy and safe, but she knew from past experience that not obeying during a punishment was a terrible idea. Without making eye contact, she shuffled to Auntie’s side. The guilt in her tummy was so tight she thought she could be sick.

“Over my lap, little girl. You know how to position yourself.”

Katie sighed and laid her tummy against her Auntie’s thighs and tipped herself forward a bit knowing exactly how Rose wanted her. When she was settled Rose threw her long leg over the back of her calves, holding her in position. She snapped her fingers and Katie put her hand back behind her for Rose to hold onto. She knew Rose did it to make sure she didn’t reach back and put her hand in the way of the spanking, but it also made her feel even more vulnerable. She would be stuck in place until her Auntie was convinced she’d received the punishment she’d earned.

“Care to tell me just what was going through that little brain of yours that made you decide to make a death-defying leap off the top of the climber?”

Katie had to roll her eyes at the dramatic way her Auntie was talking. “It wasn’t that far,” she replied without thinking.

Apparently, it was the absolute wrong thing to say because before she even finished the last word Rose was swatting her unprotected and previously untouched thighs.

“Don’t you dare try to justify what you did. If you saw it from my vantage point you wouldn’t even think to argue with me right now. I don’t care how far it was, it was dangerous and I want to know why you did it.”

Rose continued the spanks through her lecture, managing to hit the same spots on her thighs over and over again. Tears pricked the backs of Katie’s eyes as the pain set in.

“I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again,” Katie cried out.

“Damn straight you won’t, but you still haven’t answered my question.” Rose stopped smacking her thighs, giving Katie a second to answer.

“I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to bounce higher and my legs weren’t making me go higher.”

Rose sighed. “What would have happened if Noah saw you do something like that?”

The thought hadn’t even crossed Katie’s mind. She’d been so deep in her little space she wasn’t considering any of the consequences, let alone her four-year-old adventurous little boy trying to mimic her movements. If she thought the guilt had been painful before, now it was unbearable. She deserved every painful crack of the spoon and then some.

“What would have happened if you hurt yourself and I had to take you to the emergency room? The hospitals are full and they are certainly no place for any of us right now, especially not because one of us did something so completely foolish.”

Katie withered. Of course, she never thought about sensible things like that when she was in Little space, but now she felt even worse. She wanted Rose to stop lecturing and just start spanking her already.

Rose could feel Katie’s body tense up with her lecture and knew she had her where she wanted her. Well, almost. They still had a long way to go before Rose would feel even remotely reassured that Katie wouldn’t pull a stunt like that again anytime soon. She started spanking her upturned bottom with her spoon. It was barely pink from the spanking she’d gotten over her jeans, which had been more for Rose, anyway. She’d needed to work out some of her frustration before she had Katie over her lap. Now her head was clear and she was ready to do her Auntie duties and whoop a naughty little butt.

Rose landed her spoon in the same spot over and over until Katie’s squirms and whimpers intensified, then she moved to a new spot and did it all over again. This was not the typical way she spanked her little girl, but she knew from personal experience it was an effective method of correcting a naughty behavior. Then, just to make sure she was getting her point across, she started lecturing again.

“You will think twice about your choices from here on out or you’ll start to lose privileges, do I make myself perfectly clear?”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Katie cried as Rose increased the speed and ferocity of her swats.

“Your Daddy and Uncle and I put in a ton of effort into making this quarantine ordeal more bearable for us all, but if you can’t make good choices you will be one sad little girl.” Rose didn’t want to make specific threats just yet because she knew the unknown was often enough to keep her naughty little girl in line. “If you eventhinkabout doing something dangerous for the remainder of our time together, I will bust you so hard it will make your head spin, and don’t think I mean you’ll only get another spanking because I will throw every single hammer in my arsenal at you.”

Katie was sobbing by the time Rose stopped spanking. Her bottom throbbed and all she wanted to do was get her forgiveness cuddles and forget that trampolines and swing sets even existed.

“I’ll never again do something so impulsive and dangerous for the rest of my life,” she cried, stumbling over her words as she tried to make sure Rose could understand her.

“I appreciate the sentiment sweetie, but you have a long life ahead of you. Don’t go making promises you can’t keep,” Rose teased as she rubbed Katie’s back. “Come on now, Auntie needs cuddles.”

Katie let Rose help her off her lap and waited as Rose stood and went to the head of the bed. Turning down the covers, she patted the mattress and Katie laid down.

“Scootch over.” Rose nudged her before climbing into the bed, too. As soon as they were both settled, Katie turned into her Auntie’s arm and snuggled in.

Rose ran her fingers through Katie’s hair and began to sing. Between the excitement of the day, the stress of her impending punishment, then the punishment itself, Katie was wiped out, and before Rose even got to the chorus of her favorite lullaby she was asleep.

Katie woke up in the same position she fell asleep in.

“Hey, sleepyhead,” Rose greeted her with a squeeze.

“Hi.” Katie yawned. “How long was I asleep?”