Chapter 8

"Ughhh!" Katie shrieked as she turned off the TV.

Rose rushed into the room from the kitchen, where she’d been cleaning up after breakfast, drying her hands on a dishtowel.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Everything!" Katie yelled, jumping to her feet. "Everything is wrong. There’s nothing to do and I can't watch TV, not even cartoons, without some reminder that the world is falling apart. And I'm sick of this house. We haven’t left it in over a month! I need... sunshine and exercise and fun! And so do the kids. And I can't take them to the park or anywhere without worrying about germs and hand sanitizer and masks and what if it's not enough and what if it's too much and what if we wear masks and take every precaution and someone yells at us for doing that? And what if we don't and someone yells at us for not? It's too much!"

"Well, it's kind of a moot point because we’re not going to the park. Your Daddy and Uncle Keith don't want us going out right now, especially with all the unrest happening and making an already hard time worse. I know it's hard, little one, but we need to make the best of it."

"I've been making the best of it! We've binge-watched shows and movies and baked and made forts and built LEGOS and played with stuffed animals and read books and did all the things and we keep saying it's only for a little while and it will get better soon, but it hasn't gotten better. It's only gotten worse and it's not fair that there are so many people not following rules, but we still hafta!" Katie stomped her foot. "I don't wanna be in this house for one more second." She paused and took in the sad look on her Auntie's face and sighed. "I'm sorry, Auntie. I love you and I'm so thankful that you’re here and that you try so hard to make it bearable for us, but I haven't hugged my Daddy in months and I’m just so tired of it all."

"I know, sweetie. Believe me when I say I understand."

Rose opened her arms and Katie stepped gratefully into them. The hug helped a little, but it didn't quell the storm brewing inside of her and if something didn't give soon, nothing would. She opened her mouth to say so, but thought better of it. She knew her Auntie well enough to know there was only one way a statement like that would be taken.

Stepping away from the embrace, she looked at Rose and wagged her finger. "Don't go getting any ideas, either. I am past the point where a spanking will help. I’ve had enough therapy spankings to last me until the end of time and I’m over it."

Rose cocked a brow, frowned and then nodded. "Noted little one, and I can oblige as long as your little outburst of frustration doesn't become a full-blown tantrum."

"I'll try not to let it," Katie agreed.

At least not where Rose could see it,she thought to herself. Later on, when she was alone in her room, she made no promises.

"It just feels like it’s never going to get better and I’m tired of explaining to the kids why we can't go to the park or go get ice cream or go to the zoo or see their Daddy. They don't understand."

"It's hard to understand even for adults," Rose agreed. "I'm sorry, babe. I'll try to come up with something new and fun for the kids and all of us to do to take our mind off things."

"Yes, Auntie. Thank you." There was nothing that would help at this point, but she knew better than to be unappreciative or go all doom and gloom on Rose when she was just trying to help.

"Good girl. Now, why don't you give the kids a bath and get all three of you dressed. I need to make a phone call, but I'll be back to help in a little bit." She kissed Katie's forehead and stepped away, hustling down the hall to the guest room where she was staying.

Closing the door to the bedroom behind her, Rose dialed a group facetime call with Jeff and Keith. They would be on their way to work soon, but they should still be at home right now. That's why she had to distract Katie and make an excuse to get away for a few minutes. It was important to make this call as soon as possible.

"Good Morning, Rose."

"Hey baby, what's up?"

When their faces filled the screen, she smiled through her frustration and matched their warm greetings before getting down to business.

"It's time," she informed them succinctly. "I think it's good that we waited, but Katie had a meltdown this morning, the sad kind, not the naughty kind, and I don't think I can keep up the charade of happiness myself without some new distractions. We've all got cabin fever."

"I've been expecting this call," Keith said with a grin.

"Me too," Jeff agreed. "I'm frankly impressed that you all managed to keep it together this long."

"It hasn't been easy."

"We can imagine. We’re starting to go a little stir-crazy ourselves, and we get to leave the house and don't have a childlike mindset."

"It's affecting everyone," Rose agreed. "And we miss you like crazy."

The men spoke in unison. "We miss you guys, too."

"So, what's the plan?" Rose whispered, opening her bedroom door and shutting it tightly when she confirmed there were no little ears listening in.

"Well, I just sent you money via PayPal. Use my Prime account and don’t be afraid to go a little crazy. Get whatever you think you need, whatever will help. You all deserve a little happy distraction."