Chapter 7

Rose sighed dramatically as she left Katie to ponder her error in judgment. She knew exactly what her little girl was trying to do and she was happy to oblige. This playfulness surrounding a spanking was new to them and Katie didn't know how to handle it. To be honest, Rose really didn't either, but she knew it would give them both some relief. Usually when she was this wound up, she could go over her husband's knee for her own session, but current circumstances prevented that from happening and all of Keith's best efforts to center her from a distance had not quite been enough. This, though, Katie submitting to a spanking just because her Auntie said she needed it, it was the kind of love and security she needed to feel.

After a quick check on the kids, she headed back to her room to grab some hand lotion and her trusty spoon. Both would aid in her mission to make Katie squirm. A squirming brat soothed the toppy soul. She shot a quick text off to Keith telling him goodnight and she loved him, then she went back to her spot in the blanket fort to wait.

It was about five more minutes before Katie peeked her head into the fort and held out the bowl of popcorn. "Want some?" she asked, staying just outside of Rose's reach.

"What I want is you, right here, right now." Rose kept her voice low and pointed at her lap.

"Can I get my blanket?" Katie asked.

"It's right here." Rose held up the orange and teal striped blanket that Katie kept close for comfort when she felt extra little or needy.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Katie announced, stalling further.

Rose shook her head. "I'm setting a stopwatch. For every second more you are not over my lap, it's one swat to your thighs with my spoon."

Katie squealed as she darted out of the fort. Rose started the timer on her phone and watched each second tick by. Katie was going to be one sore little girl when this was all said and done.

Katie's heart pounded in her chest as she ran as fast as she could to the bathroom and did her business. Thigh swats were no joke and she absolutely hated them, which was why Rose used that form of torture only when she was really trying to make a point.

She tried to estimate the seconds in her head as she washed her hands and ran back to the living room, but her racing heart was a distraction. She dropped to her knees the second she hit the mouth of the fort and crawled quickly to Rose's side.

Rose clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Well, if you were trying to feel this spanking for a good long time, I think you have succeeded in that mission."

Katie whimpered, "I'm sorry. I really did have to go potty."

"Oh I'm sure you did, but you know that everything leading up to that was stalling, don't you?"

"You said I could make popcorn." Katie wasn't giving in that easily.

Rose lifted Katie's night shirt and smacked her a couple of times over her panties. "We’ve already had this conversation and I'm finished with it. You knew what you were doing and now you're going to pay for it."

Katie shuddered as Rose lowered her panties to her knees.

"I think we’ll spread the forty-seven thigh swats out over the span of the movie."

"Forty-seven?" Katie squeaked.

"Yep. I'll sprinkle them in when I feel like you might need a little wake up call. Ready for your movie?"

Katie sighed. "I guess so." If she didn't love Mary Poppins so much, she would have just locked herself in her room for the night.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Rose announced just before something freezing cold hit Katie's bottom.

"What is that?" Katie reared back but Rose stayed her with a hand to the middle of her shoulder blades.

"That, my little brat, is lotion. It will help keep your skin nice and safe and also add an extra sting without me having to work too hard."

"You're just full of surprises tonight," Katie grumbled, flopping down onto the pillow in front of her and grabbing her blanket as Rose rubbed the lotion into her skin.

The music of the opening credits called Katie's attention to the screen. She hated how relaxing it felt and couldn't stop her thumb from making its way to her mouth. She almost forgot about the spanking until Burt started making his music on the big funny contraption, and true to her word, Rose started swatting with the beat.

Katie could tell she wasn't putting any force behind each one, but it still stung like the dickens. She wiggled as the warmth slowly grew, but thankfully the song came to an end and she was given a reprieve. Or so she thought.

The lotion increased the sting on Rose's hand as she spanked, so she knew it was giving the same effect on Katie's bottom. For the two-hour-long movie she wasn't sure she would be able to keep it up without seriously hurting her hand, especially since she planned to reapply the lotion from time to time. She smiled to herself, knowing it would be another jolt of surprise to Katie when she put more on, and an even bigger surprise when she dragged out the spoon she had hidden behind the stack of pillows. Rose had already known she had a tiny sadistic streak before tonight, but this fun new experiment was bringing out a whole new sadistic energy in her and she was kind of loving it. They'd have to explore this playful spanking release more often. Rose was positive Katie would justlovethat. She hadn't missed the fact that Katie was sucking her thumb. She wasn't a habitual thumb sucker, but when she felt very Little or unsure it was instinctive. It was adorably endearing and Rose didn't mind it one bit.

She was so lost in thought she almost missed the beginning of the next song. With a smile on her face, she began to pepper Katie's bottom once again with light smacks. This time she added in a couple of thigh swats for good measure. She'd try to keep track of them, but it would be a difficult feat, spreading them out over two hours. Katie might get more or less than she'd actually earned. Rose knew for a fact that her little girl would not keep the count herself, so she wasn't too worried about following through to the second.