Rose sat up and propped herself against the headboard. Her little girl was in rare form and she was about to get to the bottom of the issue.Pun intended.

She didn't give Katie a chance to respond to her change of position before she was taking a tight hold on the little brat’s earlobe and not-so-gently tugging to get her over Rose's lap.

"If you need some incentive to talk to me, then that's fine. I'll give you just that. Let me know when you're ready to be a good girl."

Rose didn't take down Katie’s leggings right away. She knew that after a couple good swats to the middle of Katie's thighs she would be ready to cooperate.

She was right. It only took three solid swats to each side before Katie was singing a different tune.

"Owwwwwww! Auntie, what the heck?" she squealed as she reached back to try to shield her thighs from the attack.

"Ready to use your words?"

"You can't just spank me because I won't talk. It's not even fair. I don't hafta talk if I don't want to."

Katie was sliding deeper and deeper into Little space, which was exactly what Rose had hoped for. It was a lot easier to get through to her stubborn brain if she was in the right headspace.

"Let's discuss that a bit more, shall we?" Rose asked, sliding her thumb into the waistband of Katie's leggings and jerking them down.

Katie whimpered and hid her face in the bedding. "I don't wanna discuss anything. I wanna take a nap."

"So you've said. Make no mistake about it, little girl, you will be napping. I'm going to make sure you are nice and tired. Now, let's review what happened before lunch, shall we?"

"No, we shall not." Katie's voice was muffled but Rose heard it just fine and laid six more swats on Katie's thighs. "Stop hitting there!" Katie squealed.

"I'll hit any part of this bottom I would like to, and just so you know, these swats don't count toward your punishment. If you want to keep sassing that's fine, but you are going to be one sore and sorry little girl when we’re done here."

"I'm sorry, no more thighs."

"That's completely up to you. If you don't want more thigh swats then you need to cut the 'tude and start being cooperative. Now, when you were shopping this morning, I asked you a question. Do you remember what question that was?"

"Yes Ma'am." Katie sniffled. "You asked if Daddy knew what I was doing."

"That's right, I did, and was your response truthful?"

"Not really." Katie shrugged.

Rose slapped the spoon hard against the fleshiest part of Katie's bottom over and over until Katie cried out, "No Ma'am!"

"Do not shrug at me, little girl. It is always unacceptable, but even more so when you’re already over my lap facing a spanking for being naughty."

"I'm sorry." Katie whimpered and reached back to try to rub the horrid sting.

Auntie had not held back at all, that was for sure. She didn't get so much as a brush of her finger to her sore flesh before Rose seized her wrist and pinned it to the middle of her back.

"No hands. You know better." Katie was rewarded with another smack to each side for her efforts. "Let me repeat my question. Was your response to my question truthful?"

"No Ma'am. Daddy didn't know I was shopping and I shouldn't have been so stupid."

Rose sighed and began spanking again. "My little girl is not stupid and she is definitely not allowed to call herself names."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry!" Katie drummed her feet on the bed behind her and begged Rose to stop.

She did, but only after Katie was feeling well and truly punished and they hadn't even gotten to her actual punishment yet. She really needed to stop resisting or she wasn't only going to go down for a nap sore, but she would likely be sore for the rest of the day.

"I can do this all day if we need to."

"I'm sorry Auntie, I'll be good," Katie promised.