Are they asking about birth control? “I’ve been on the pill since I was nineteen to regulate my periods.”

“Good. Because although the idea of you carrying our baby is fucking hot, we want nothing stopping us from filling you with our cum tonight.”

“Oh!” I gasp as Caiden sucks my earlobe in between his teeth, his arm tightening as he grunts at his release.

Reese continues to rub my clit, bringing me to and keeping me on the edge until Caiden loosens his hold on me.

I whimper when he pulls his hand away. “More.”

He grins and kisses me, pulling me away from Caiden and swinging me into his arms, carrying me like his bride into the bedroom. “We’re going to give you more, baby.”

I swoon and press my face into his neck.

I had no idea sex could feel like this.

I had no idea my entire body would vibrate with every touch.

I had no idea such loving words would fill my heart to the point it wants to burst.

I had no idea what I was missing.