Reese shakes his head, a sly grin on his face. “Ass munch.”
“Yeah, I know.” My gaze roams over her, drinking every inch of her in.
“This isn’t exactly like watching movies and playing board games.” Leti motions to the room with a wave of her hand. “What do you do here?”
I lift my drink. “Normally, we sit back, watch, and have a couple of drinks.”
“Sometimes we do more,” Soren says softly.
“You have sex with women here?”
Reese takes in a deep breath. “We have.”
“Really?” Her voice cracks, and I know this is upsetting her. Dammit. The last thing I want to do is upset her. But Reese and Soren are right. We have to present her with exactly who we were, and who we are, so she enters a relationship with us informed. Yes, we’ve had sex with women here. No, none of them meant anything more than a good time. Everyone enjoyed themselves, but there was no lasting connection.
Nothing like the feelings we have for her.
“I told you, doll, we don’t lie. Ever.” Reese takes a deep drink off his glass.
“In a relationship like ours, it’s important to be honest with each other.” Soren holds her hand to his thigh.
She nods, her eyes bouncing around the room. “Are any of the women you’ve had sex with here now?”
Fuck. She would have to ask us that.
“The hostess,” I sigh. “A couple months ago.”
“The one who escorted me to the table?” Her eyes grow wide.
“Yeah. We don’t normally engage with the staff, but we’ve known her for a long time.”
“Do you—” she bites her lip “—care for her?”
“No more than we care for a friend. She had an itch, and that night she asked us to scratch it. It meant nothing more than four consenting adults having a good time,” Reese says.
“Baby,” I stroke her cheek with my thumb. “We’ve never felt about anyone the way we feel about you. I’ve never told a woman I love her outside of my mother and my sister, and maybe an aunt. But I love you. I knew the moment I held you in my arms that you were going to be mine. Ours. Not just for tonight, or for a period of time, but forever.”
She leans into my hand. “I want to be yours—all of yours.”
Soren leans in and kisses her neck. “Hmmm, forever sounds good to me.”
“Okay, this is bullshit,” Reese grumbles. He stands up and grabs her hand, pulling her out of her chair, sitting down, and pulling her back into his lap—so she’s sandwiched between the three of us, like she should be.
She giggles, snuggling into his chest. “Were you lonely over there?”
“Yes.” He kisses her cheek.
Leti’s gaze bounces between the three of us. “So… people have sex here at the club.”
“Yes,” Reese says again.
“Mostly in the rooms upstairs,” Soren answers her.
“Do we have a room?”