Fuck, she tastes like heaven, and the way she comes fulfills all my fantasies.
I wipe my mouth and move up her body, sealing her mouth with my own. She moans, threading her fingers into my hair and pulling me closer. “Now you’ve tasted yourself, beautiful. Don’t you taste good? Our sweet, beautiful girl.”
I don’t wait for her to answer me, reclaiming her lips in a possessive kiss, not giving one good fuck that Caiden is trapped underneath her. We’ve talked about this over and over again, promising we’d let her set the pace, even if we gently nudged her in our direction with every touch and caress. It’s been the most frustrating and exciting four days of my life.
Will she pick us?
She’s coming out of her shell quickly, given the circumstances that brought her to us. I think it’s a combination of her need to be loved and showered with affection and our desire to do just that.
She’s perfect for us.
Our sweet, beautiful girl, desperate to be showered with attention and praise.
I pull back from her, smiling down at her love drunk expression. “Good girl.”
She giggles. “Why do I like it so much when you say that?”
“Because, deep down, you hear all the subtext behind those words.” I kiss her forehead and take a couple of steps back. My thoughts divert when my computer beeps with a pre-programmed alert designed to get my undivided attention.
Exchanging a knowing glance with Caiden and Reese, I nod and turn back to my monitors and the program I designed to backtrack the MAC address monitoring the tracker from the scrambler Claudine installed, which lets me know when it’s back online.
Her signal is broadcasting, pinging and searching in an area near Lee’s team. I run a trace log and find she’s been popping hot for thirty seconds every twenty minutes for the last three hours, inching closer to their location with every sweep.
I bring up my map, triangulating the signal and calculating them to be within a few miles of Lee and team’s secure location. Grabbing my phone, I turn to find Reese lifting Leti off Caiden’s lap, sliding her shorts up her long legs.
“Something up?” Caiden raises his brow.
I wave our secure phone and tuck my tablet under my arm, but shake my head because I don’t want to say anything that might upset Leti. “Nothing much. I just need to make a quick call.”
Walking out of the house, I go to the garage and dial up the other team’s secure line. The phone rings a couple times before Lee answers, slightly out of breath.
“You have visitors,” I say, glancing down at my tablet and shaking my head. I should have been paying attention. I wrote the program so it would send an audible alert when the trace broached a five-mile radius of either of our secure locations or the Krushner estate, but if I’d been watching, I would have seen her circling hours ago. “They’re within five miles of your position.”
“Five miles?” I hear the alert and annoyance in Lee’s voice while Porter chatters behind him.
I rub my beard, Leti’s scent fresh on my whiskers. “Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t catch it sooner. They started pinging something at your location about three hours ago, coming online for a few seconds before taking themselves back offline for another twenty minutes. From what I can tell, they’ve narrowed down your position from fifty to a five-mile radius within seven pings. The only thing I can think of is you are broadcasting something now that you weren’t over the last few days.”
“Fuck!” Lee growls. “Okay. Thanks for the heads up.”
“I’ll see what I can do about getting a visual over your location and will send you something as soon as I can.”
“Thanks, Soren.” Lee hangs up on me at the same time Reese walks into the garage.
“What’s up?”
“Claudine popped hot after being dark for four days, and they are within five miles of Lee’s team.” I can barely make eye contact with Reese as my failure to be properly prepared weighs on me.
Reese exhales, leaning his ass against the tool bench and crossing his arms over his chest. “This is about to be over.”
He doesn’t berate me, and where his thought process goes surprises me. “You don’t know that.”
“I feel it in my bones. Lee, Case, and Porter will end it this evening, and we’ll be sleeping in our own beds tonight.” He glances at the house, but I know what he’s really doing is looking at the walls surrounding Leti. “All of us.”