Soren groans underneath me. “Damn, girl.”

“I want—”

“Yeah, me, too.” He smoothes my hair back from my face. “But we don’t have to rush into anything. We’re not going anywhere. When you decide what you want, we’ll be ready.”

Just as quickly as he kissed me, he stops and rolls me off to his side, propping his head up on his hand. Trailing his fingers down my arm and over my hip, his eyes don’t exactly follow as his gaze traces over my breasts. “Anytime you want to kiss me, just do it. I promise I’ll want it.”

Then he places an almost chaste kiss against my lips and stands up, walking to the bedroom door. With his hand on the knob, he glances back at me with a smile. “I’m going to make us a snack. We bought a couple of board games and a variety of paperbacks to entertain us. I can download any movie you want and play any song you can think of if you get the urge to dance for us. But whatever you do, don’t hide in here. Spend time with us and brighten our day, beautiful.”

He closes the door behind him and I collapse on the bed, sliding my hands over my body, searching for the source of the itch I desperately need to scratch. I’ve been kissed senseless by two men in the span of an hour.

Should I be ashamed?

Should I go for three?

And if I do, can I bring myself to do more?

I hop off the bed and gather up the bottles, taking them into the bathroom and placing them on the vanity. Then I sort through the t-shirts and short, amused they are more Pip’s style than my own. I would never wear shorts this tight or this short, and yet, I’m excited about the attention these will bring me. I’ve shied away from the spotlight my entire life, but would it be so bad if I captured the notice of these three men?

Pulling off all the sales tags, I gather them up and walk out of the bedroom in search of the washer and dryer. Caiden and Reese are standing in the kitchen. Their conversation stops and eyes fix on me.

“I thought I would wash these.” I hold up my bundle as evidence.

Caiden motions toward the garage. “The washer is this way.”

I throw Reese a smile, hoping to convey my apologies without words—especially since I’m no longer allowed to say the words. He visibly exhales and smiles back, tilting his head and telling me to follow Caiden into the washroom.

Caiden opens the washer lid and steps aside without saying a word. He doesn’t have to—the look on his face says it all. I throw my garments in and then push him back against the door, pressing my lips against his with a lot more confidence than I did last night. He doesn’t hesitate, sliding his hands down my ass and lifting me into his arms. Turning us around, he presses my back against the door as I hook my ankles around his hips.

“That’s my girl,” Caiden growls, biting and then sucking my lower lip into his mouth before releasing it to trail kisses down my neck. I throw my head back, banging my skull against the door, but I don’t care because he feels too good. “Fuck, the things I want to do to you.”

My heart soars with his words. I’ve never been talked to this way, and I love it. I love being desired by them without reservation or fear of impropriety. These three men know exactly what they want—me—and they are not afraid to let me know it.

The door to the garage jerks behind us, bumping us forward. Caiden steps back with me wrapped around him and grins when Soren walks through the door. For a second, my heart stops, and a wave of guilt washes over me. I was kissing Soren five minutes ago. Reese an hour ago. It’s one thing if they say they’re okay with me kissing all of them, but having one walk in while I’m with another feels like a betrayal.

Soren’s eyes move from me to Caiden and back to me again. Then he leans forward and kisses my cheek before speaking to Caiden. “You could have helped me bring in the bags.”

“But then I wouldn’t be kissing Leti,” Caiden replies with the biggest smile on his face.

Soren snorts and rolls his eyes before brushing past us. “Ass munch.”

“He’s not mad?” I whisper.

“Why would he be mad?” Caiden gives me a genuinely confused shake of his head and lowers me to the ground.

“I don’t know—because I was kissing him five minutes ago.”

Caiden leans forward and kisses my temple. “Don’t think. Just do whatever feels good to you. I promise, none of us will be mad.” He smacks my butt. “I’ll start your wash. Why don’t you go check out the games and books we bought?”